More Lewis Center Interviews

Meet Dr. Jeannette Wong-Powell

Dr. Jeannette Wong-Powell recounts the journey that brought her to the United States from her native Mexico and what allowed her to become the esteemed optometrist and professor she is today.

Meet Dr. Roberto Fajardo

Dr. Roberto Fajardo speaks about his work with Amigos en Medicina in San Antonio and a surgical mission started by his father in Neiva, Colombia, going on its 27th year with the support of Healing the Children.

Meet Ambassador James Creagan

The focus of this interview with Dr. James Creagan is the nation of Honduras, where he served as ambassador under President Bill Clinton. Today, Dr. Creagan continues to dedicate time to Honduras by providing leadership to the Texas Water Mission, a strategic partner of the Lewis Center.

Meet Dr. David Vequist

Dr. David Vequist, Director of UIW’s Center for Medical Tourism Research (CMTR), speaks about the growth of medical tourism in the Americas, and the CMTR’s efforts to foster the development of health tourism clusters in multiple states across Mexico, in collaboration with Mexico’s Secretaría de Turismo.

Meet Ambassador Edward Prado

Former U.S. ambassador to Argentina and federal judge Edward C. Prado speaks with Dr. Rafael Hoyle about the journey that took him from San Antonio, Texas, where he was born and spent his entire life, to the City of Buenos Aires, where he served for three years as ambassador.

Meet Mr. Larry Rubin

Mr. Larry Rubin speaks about the deep connections that link the U.S. and Mexico, about the importance of intercultural competence for today’s leaders, and about his current work as President of the American Society of Mexico. He also comments on the recent trend of U.S. nationals moving to Mexico City because of the city’s quality of life.

Meet Dr. Leticia Vargas

Dr. Leticia Vargas of the UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine tells us about her work in the classroom, her medical practice, and her dedicated community service, particularly through her years of involvement with the Quijotes of San Antonio, a medical mission group that for years has been a strong partner of UIW to help provide medical care to the people of Oaxaca. Furthermore, she tells us about her wonderful experiences and also the challenges she has faced on her path to achieving her academic and professional goals.

Meet John López

Director of UIW’s Mariachi Cardenal, John López, shares the fascinating family history and that led to his love of music, and ultimately to his professional career in teaching and fostering the development of mariachi ensembles in Texas.

Meet Sherry Dowlatshahi

The City of San Antonio’s Head of Global Engagement and Chief Diplomacy and Protocol Officer, Ms. Sherry Dowlatshahi, speaks on a number of topics including her own international educational journey, the cultural diversity of San Antonio, and the importance of San Antonio’s universities to our thriving city.

Meet Carlos de León

UIW alumnus Carlos de León speaks about his current role as a marketing executive for the Romph Pou Agency, his connection to his Guatemalan raíces, his activism and involvement with the San Antonio community, his contribution to UIW’s recognition as a Bright Spot in Hispanic Education by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics, and his continued commitment to UIW, now as a faculty member.

Meet Victor Reyna

UIW alumnus Victor Reyna, MBA ’15, speaks with Lewis Center Director, Dr. Rafael Hoyle, about the cross-border and cross-cultural journey that helped him achieve professional success and personal fulfillment. Victor is currently Vice-President of International Banking for Amegy Bank here in San Antonio. He is also the President of the Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos en San Antonio.