The 2012 Season of Peace and Justice
Compassion, a Door to Justice and Peace.
Join the Movement to Make San Antonio a Compassionate City
Domestic Violence Awareness Month will be observed with The Clothesline Project hosted by Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorority Inc. The national movement, CLP, started in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. People express their emotions about domestic violence by decorating a tee-shirt which is hung on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to violence against women.
Come learn of the issue and decorate tee-shirts on October 1, 8, 11, 16, 17, from 11-1 pm., Circle by the Library. The Clothesline will be on display Oct. 24, 11 am – 2 pm, Dubuis lawn. Contact: Ellyse A. Sanchez of the sorority.
“Climate Change Refugees” As global warming melts the glaciers, the islands near New Guinea are being flooded and the people have been forced to leave.
Oct. 4, Thursday, 5:15 pm, Grotto. A Blessing of the Animals on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron of ecology. Bring your animals, live and stuffed! Hosted by the “Arts for Christian Worship Class” (210-829-3854). Francis taught love for all, care of creation, and peacebuilding. Followed by 6:30 to 8:30 pm, Marian Hall , THE SUN CAME UP an Academy Award-nominated film depicting some of the world’s first forced climate migrants, inhabitants of the Carteret Islands near New Guinea. UIW is participating in the nationwide movement sponsored by the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change Pope Benedict XVI wrote, “Can we remain indifferent before the problems associated with such realities as climate change . . . Can we disregard the growing phenomenon of ‘environmental refugees’?” Sponsored by UIW Campus Life and the Sustainability Committee. Contact:
Oct. 6, Saturday. Hemisfair Park. “How far will you walk to end global poverty?” Aga Khan Foundation, USA - Partnership Walk, Saturday, 8 am Registration, 10 am Opening Ceremonies at Hemisfair Park. Join UIW students and friends from the Compassion Conference walking under the “CompassionNET” banner at the Partnership Walk. The sponsoring organization, AKF USA, has received an $11-million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – one of its largest awards – to help Mali with food security in a perilous time. Information and registration:, phone 210-970-8888,
Oct. 8, Monday, 1:30 to 2:45 pm, Library Auditorium. “Business Ethics Confessional”
Harry Whitney of the UIW Business Department and members of Business Ethics class share some of the more egregious violations of social, personal and economic justice by businesses in the last decade.
Oct. 8, Monday, 3 pm and repeated at 4:30 pm, Library Auditorium. “Building Reconciliation.” Christophe Mbonyingabo, a leader of Reconciliation Ministries in Rwanda and the Congo, will share on their important work and the value of reconciliation for all of us. Learn more of the work in Africa UIW is grateful to the Episcopal Church of Reconciliation for bringing him to UIW. Mbonyingabo will speak there on Sunday, Oct. 7.
Oct. 11-31, Weekdays, 8 am to 8 pm, Fine Arts Hall. “ Iraqi Women of Three Generations" Challenges, Education, and Hopes for Peace,” An Exhibit of Images and Stories by Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D. and Sister Patricia Madigan, Ph.D. Oct. 11, 4:30 pm Opening Reception with 6 pm Gallery Talk. Oct. 12, 6 pm Gallery Talk and a Discussion with Dr. Jessica Kimmel’s Gender class. Oct. 16, 9 am, Gallery Talk and a Discussion with Dr.Tanja Stampfl’s Literary Theory class. Oct. 22,3 – 4:15 pm Gallery Talk considering Muslims inspired by Fethullah Gülen as peacebuilders.
Oct. 15, Monday, 3 pm and repeated at 6 pm, Oct. 16, Tuesday, 6 pm Opportunities to Visit the UIW Solar House and have conversations with Daniel Potter, the Project Manager. The Solar House is created as a fully functioning residence, a visitors center, and a learning laboratory to promote green construction practices. The Solar House is the culmination of a five-year project designed and constructed under the direction of Dr. Alison Whittemore, chair of the UIW Department of Engineering and Physics and Mr. Potter. The project, a model of energy-efficiency, was funded by a federal grant from the Department of Education. Hosted by Patrick Tripp, Diversity of Life Instructor.
Oct. 16, Tuesday, 9 am, Fine Arts Hall. “Iraqi Women of Three Generations” (See Oct. 11 above for information.)
Oct. 17, Wednesday, 9:00 -10:45 a.m. Dubuis Lawn. Play Day for Peace . The Dreeben School of Education’s Creative Play and Play Environments Class will host its annual play day in conjunction with Peace Month. Children from our partner schools will participate in some 25 outdoor learning play spaces provided by the education students. Play is seen as the opposite of violence as well as providing essential benefits to the child. The United Nations Rights of the child calls for all children to have the right to play. For information, contact Dr. Mary Ruth Moore at 283-5038 or
Oct. 17 has been declared the “International Day to Eradicate Poverty” by the United Nations “Children in Texas” a report of the Children’s Defense Fund invites citizen action. What would you like to do?
Oct. 21 to 27, UIW Week of Interfaith Harmony will provide a platform for different faith groups to come together and share their various faith traditions with our community. The Interfaith Harmony Week will serve as a catalyst for interfaith groups and other groups to show peace and support for each other. Activities will feature handouts, DVD’s, presentations, panel discussions, and worship service. For more information, contact Rev. Trevor Alexander, leader of the UIW Interfaith Council, 829-3130,
Oct. 22, Monday, 12 noon to 1 pm, Library Special Collections Room. “Ontology, Peace, and Social Justice” Dr. Chris Paris of the UIW English Department reflects on truths of the heart starting with an example, the Eastern Orthodox icon of Theotokou—the Blesséd Madonna and Child. From the felt experience, one can move to reason leading to peace and justice. Basil Aivaliotis, bringing a rich cultural heritage from Greece and currently Director of the UIW RSO Library, will join in dialogue with historic and aesthetic aspects of icons. Bring a brown bag lunch. Drinks and sweets will be provided. Contact:
Oct. 22, Monday, 3 – 4:15 pm., Fine Arts First Floor Hallway, “Iraqi Women of Three Generations.” Muslims inspired by Fethullah Gülen have been active as peacebuilders in Iraq, Rwanda, Kosovo, and many challenging areas. See Oct. 11 for more information.
Oct. 23, Tuesday, 12 – 1:15 pm, Library Auditorium. "Parks, King, and the Montgomery Bus Boycott" images and stories shared by Dr. Roger Barnes and Professor Robert Sosa. On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused a Montgomery, AL bus driver's order to give up her seat to a boarding white passenger. She was arrested for her act of civil disobedience and the result was a 381 day boycott of the Montgomery bus system by blacks and white sympathizers. The organization that headed the boycott - the Montgomery Improvement Association - was led by a 26-year old Baptist preacher named Martin Luther King, Jr. Contact:
Oct. 24 Global Refugee Arts and Crafts Fair, 10 am to 1 pm, Marian Hall Circle. Have an opportunity to meet some of the newcomers to our city, enjoy the art and culture of the world and buy some of their beautiful arts and crafts. This fair will bring refugees on campus and showcase their traditional arts and crafts. The Refugee Resettlement Program welcomes persons from the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Hosted by Dr. Lopita Nath in collaboration with the Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program, UIW alumna Linda Salem of the Center for Refugee Services, and UIW students participating in President Obama’s Interfaith Service Challenge and the Interfaith Student Organization. Contact: Dr. Lopita Nath, or Zacil Andrade, and
Oct. 24, Wednesday, 1:30 to 2:45 pm, Library Auditorium, “ Home away from Home: Refugee Resettlement in the US.” Dr. Lopita Nath’s Global Refugee class will present a panel with both student presentations and personal stories from refugees now living in San Antonio. Refugees from different parts of the world, who had to flee home due to conflict, fear of persecution, or some other vulnerability, whether social, economic or religious, have been offered Third Country resettlement in the U.S. Far away from home and memories of home, these refugees are trying to adjust to living in a foreign land that has become their home. For details contact: Dr. Lopita Nath,
Oct. 24, 11 to 2 pm, Dubuis Lawn, The Clothesline Project, Oct. 24, 11 am – 2 pm, Dubuis lawn. See Oct. 1 for more information.
Oct. 24, Wednesday, 6-7 pm., Our Lady’s Chapel. “ Taizé Prayer for Peace" Led by University Mission and Ministry. During World War II in an effort to build reconciliation, a group offered hospitality and peaceful music and prayer in the small village of Taizé, France. Today thousands of young people from all over the world camp out there and build bonds of unity. The Taizé movement and chants have spread around the world both helping people find the inner peace which leads to building peace in the world and helping the disadvantaged. Contact:
Oct. 25, 1:30 pm and repeated at 3 pm, Library Auditorium. “ Wisdom from a Jewish Survivor of the Holocaust.” Irving Roth experienced a work camp, a death march, seeing his grandparents and cousin enter the gas chamber, having his brother disappear, and a concentration camp. His life was spared and he has inspired thousands with his wisdom and courage. Learn more at “Faces and Voices of Holocaust Survivors” Contact: Brianne Pledger, English Major
Oct. 26-27. Water and Culture Symposium. The UIW College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences began educational events focused on Water and Culture through a grant funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities in 2009. This two day symposium includes both UIW faculty and students presenting a wide diversity of literary, historical, and ecological issues. Contacts:,
Oct. 28-30, “Living Compassionately Even to Death,” the 100th Anniversary of Orphanage Fire in which Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word gave their lives saving the children at St. Peter-St. Joseph’s Home. Read of various observances:
Oct. 29, Monday, 10:30 – 11:45am, Library Auditorium. “ Discussion Forum - How to Deal: Americans’ love affair with drugs ” shared by Suzan Roy’s Social Ethics Class. How is drug trafficking, drug abuse and the violence and corruption associated with it affecting you? How can we help the next generation effectively address these issues? Contact:
Oct. 29, Monday, 6 -7:30 pm. Library Special Collections Room. Fourth Annual Peace Season Research Symposium led byDr. Noah Kasraie. Students, faculty and UIW community members will present research and discuss topics related to peace, social justice and civic engagement. This event is sponsored by the Dreeben School of Education. Contact: Dr. Noah Kasraie at
Peace Day, Wednesday, Oct. 31
9 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Jordan Plaza (Marian Hall if rain) EXHIBITS – Non-profit and Community Service Groups and Agencies building peace through justice and service. Opportunities to sign up for community service. Contact:
9 am. Library Auditorium. "Democracy, the Common Good, and Elections" Dr. Garry Keith of the UIW Political Science Department and Advisor of the Pre-Law Program, will invite consideration of critical questions. The Platform for the Common Good which is based on principles from Catholic social tradition is part of the background for this session Contact:
10:30 am. Library Auditorium. "How to Think about Complex Moral Problems" by Dr. Paul Lewis of the UIW Philosophy Department and a panel of students. Contact:

12 noon, Marian Hall Ballroom. 12 to 1 pm. “Compassionate Eating,” Hungry? Come for a free soup lunch. Hunger? Consider eating in terms of compassionate relationships with all people and all of creation. Join an inter-faith conversation with Dr. Neeta Singh of the Sikh tradition and the UIW Nutrition Department, Barbie Gorelick Callaghan of the Jewish tradition, Bob Jaffer of the Muslim tradition, Stephen Lucke, UIW student leading the initiative to have a UIW Community Garden, and Rolla Alaydi, UIW Arabic teacher who planted an olive tree in the Holy Land Garden and just led a successful olive harvest. The Sikh tradition is known for langar, providing food for the hungry. The UNITED SIKHS have been reaching out to disaster areas and also poor areas of the US.
Recognizing that one out of every six Americans, or 46.2 million, are living in poverty and that US food stamp relief is limited, Jewish Leaders this fall invite all to “take the Food Stamp Challenge” trying to live for week on $1.31 per meal, the amount that food stamps provide. MAZON, a Jewish national organization addressing hunger: The Aga Khan Foundation USA founded by Ismaili Muslims works to end global poverty. UIW partnered with Catholic Relief Services building awareness of Syrian refugees facing hunger Food generously prepared by the UIW Student Dietetic Association. (If you are bringing a whole class, please send the number so that enough food can be prepared )
1:30 pm, Library Auditorium. "The Death Penalty: Why it's a Bad Deal” by Dr. Roger Barnes of the UIW Sociology Department and Criminal Justice. Contact:
3 pm, Library Auditorium. “Building Comilia” Susan G. Klappa PT, PhD, Associate Professor, UIW School of Physical Therapy, says, “For me, the word ‘comilia’ represents something magical that happens when you engage in a community with reciprocity,” said Klappa. “Comilia means you move beyond being strangers, visitors, guests, helpers or friends into the sacred space of caring, deep caring.” With stories from experiences in Honduras, Venezuela, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Haiti, will share the deep joy that comes from humanitarian work across borders. How can we be leaders in innovative efforts benefiting communities across borders, cultures, and generations? How can we use education as a catalyst for social justice?
4:30 – 6:30 pm, Marian Hall Ballroom. Body of War
“Superb documentary! Almost unbearably moving.”- Time Magazine. An intimate and transformational feature film co-directed by Phil Donahue about the face of war today. The film follows Tomas Young, 25 years old, paralyzed from a bullet to his spine - wounded after serving in Iraq for less than a week. Body of War is in part Tomas's coming home story as he evolves into a new person, coming to terms with his disability and finding his own unique and passionate voice. Popcorn provided.
We are grateful to all of the presenter and organizers of the 2012 Season of Justice and Peace:
- Peace and Justice Season Planning Committee: Dr. Roger Barnes, Dr. Michael Guiry, Dr. Noah Kasraie, Dr. Lopita Nath, Dr. Eula Pines, and Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Chair
- The UIW Interfaith Council and the UIW Mission and Ministry Office
For information: Contact the UIW office of Mission and Ministry,, 210-829-3128. All events are free and open to the public.
The University of the Incarnate Word provides reasonable accommodations with adequate notice. To request disability accommodation for an event, visit and click on the ADA/Section 504 link.