Degree Plan

Fall of Freshman Year
Course Hours
ENGL 1311 (or ENGL 1311L) Composition I 3
MATH Core 3
FYES 1211 First Year Experience Seminar - Sec. 18 2
MUSI 1191 Aural Skills I 1
MUSI 1321 Music Theory I 3
MUSI 1111 Keyboard Skills I 1
Private Lessons: MUAP 1154 [Instrument] or MUAP 1176 [Voice] 1
Ensemble 1
Total Hours 15
Spring of Freshman Year
Course Hours
ENGL 1312 Composition II 3
PEHP Activity Course 1
MUSI 1201 Intro to Music Technology 2
MUSI 1192 Aural Skills II 1
MUSI 1322 Music Theory II 3
MUSI 1121 Keyboard Skills II 1
MUAP 1155 [Instrument] or MUAP 1177 [Voice] 1
Ensemble 1
Total Hours 13
Fall of Sophomore Year
Course Hours
Modern Language I 3
ENGL 2310 World Literature Studies 3
MUSI 2193 Aural Skills III 1
MUSI 2323 Music Theory III 3
MUSI 2110 Keyboard Skills III 1
MUSI 3341 Music History I 3
MUAP 2254 [Instrument] or MUAP 2276 [Voice] 2
Ensemble 1
Total Hours 17
Course Hours
Modern Language II 3
MUSI 2194 Advanced Aural Skills IV 1
MUSI 3324 Music Theory IV 3
MUSI 2120 Keyboard Skills IV (with piano proficiency) 1
MUSI 3342 Music History II 3
MUAP 2255 [Instrument] or MUAP 2277 [Voice] 2
Ensemble 1
Total Hours 14
Fall of Junior Year
Course Hours
PHIL 1381 Introduction to Philosophy 3
HIST 13XX: History CORE 3
Elective 3-6
Principal Instrument or Voice: MUAP 3254 [Instrument] or MUAP 3276 [Voice] 2
MUSI 3348 Studies in World Music (or MUSI 3351 Music in Asian Theater in the spring) 3
Ensemble 1
Total Hours 15-18
Spring of Junior Year
Course Hours
RELS Core 3
PHIL Upper Level CORE 3
Electives or Minor 3-6
MUSI 4323 Form and Analysis 3
MUSI 3351 Music in Asian Theater (if MUSI 3348 not taken in the fall) 3*
MUAP 3255 [Instrument] or MUAP 3277 [Voice] 2
Ensemble 3
Total Hours 15-18
Fall of Senior Year
Course Hours
Electives or Minor 6
MUSI 4341 Research and Writing in Music 3
Total Hours 13
Spring of Senior Year
Course Hours
Electives or Minor Upper-Division 9
MUSI 4344 Conducting 3
Total Hours 15