Get Involved
Like Us on Facebook
One of the best ways to stay up-to-date with the wide variety of sustainability efforts at UIW is to like our Facebook.
Join Sustain, Our Student Sustainability Organization
Students can find Sustain through UIW Engage (search for “UIW Sustainability Organization”). Follow Sustain on Instagram.
Sustain’s Mission Statement:
UIW Sustain offers students and staff opportunities to act, connect, and educate others on the most pressing issue of our time: preserving the world for generations to come. Together, we work to spread awareness about environmental issues and provide opportunities to conserve the world's natural beauty and resources in the UIW community.
Work in Our Community Gardens

All members of the UIW campus community are invited to work in the community garden on UIW’s main campus or to help out at one of our partner gardens in San Antonio. Check our Facebook page for opportunities or e-mail us at
Become a Member of the Sustainability Advisory Board
If you are a member of the UIW campus community – student, staff, faculty, or administrator – and are interested in serving on the Sustainability Advisory Board or one of its standing committees (Education, Energy and the Environment, Community Gardens, Annual Events and Communications), please write us at
Connect with Us
One of the best ways to stay current with the wide variety of sustainability efforts at UIW is to like our Facebook.
If you have a question about sustainability at UIW, send us a message:
Mailing address:
Office of Sustainability
4301 Broadway, CPO #382
San Antonio, Texas 78209-6397