Bequests to UIW

Bequests can take a number of forms including a specific dollar amount or a portion of what remains of an estate after obligations to others are fulfilled. The estate will receive an estate tax charitable contribution for the bequest to UIW. 

Designating your gift for a specific purpose

Will or trust provisions may be designated for a specific purpose – such as scholarship funds, faculty development, endowments or support for academic departments and faculty positions.

If you wish to restrict or designate a use for your gift, please contact the Advancement Services Office to ensure that we understand your wishes.

In the case of a restricted bequest, you may wish to add language that would give UIW flexibility to use the bequest for some other purpose in the event that the project or purpose designated by the donor is no longer needed when the funds become available. Adding the following sentence to the end of the bequest provision would provide this flexibility.

If, at the time this bequest becomes effective, the funds are not needed for this purpose, then the Board of Trustees may direct the funds to be used for a purpose as closely related as possible to the original purpose described in this provision.

If you have any questions or would like more information about including UIW in your will, please contact Rick Kimbrough, Vice President of External Affairs, at (210) 890-4251 or