UIW Welcomes New Students During Summer Orientations

June 28, 2024

During this time of year, the UIW campus looks notably bare due to the absence of its students as they enjoy their much-deserved summer break, but this hasn’t stopped the University from welcoming the newest additions to the Incarnate Word family.

Starting on Sunday, June 7, the UIW Office of Admissions began hosting their annual summer orientations, helping new students to prepare for the upcoming Fall semester by providing them resources and paths for college success. During orientations, students and their families can speak with different UIW offices, register for classes, take a campus tour, receive their student ID and get to know other members of their joining class.

“The overall goal of new student orientation is to ensure that students and their families leave orientation solidified in their decision that UIW is the right choice for their college home,” explained Gabriella Zuniga, Admissions events programming manager. “The team strives to make the newest Cardinal class and their families feel welcomed and reassured that they are in good hands here at the Nest.”

Student orientation leaders provide a quality orientation experience by sharing knowledge about the admission process, the campus and by leading engaging activities that help students envision themselves being part of the University. Zuniga shared that she loves to receive positive feedback from attendees about how the orientation team was helpful in answering questions and helping them complete essential initial steps in entering their higher education journey.

“Whether it is running families to offices on campus, giving a campus tour or just helping a student understand what Cardinal Apps is, our team is excited to provide the best orientation experience possible!”

As of Tuesday, June 25, the admissions team has hosted four orientations, welcoming 427 students and 533 guests, totaling 960 people to campus. The admissions team looks forward to hosting the remaining orientation sessions and welcoming a new generation of Cardinals to the Nest.

Zuniga hopes that visiting families leave knowing that, “your student is going to thrive here at the UIW. They are surrounded by faculty, staff and students who do everything they can to make sure that their time at the Nest gives them every opportunity to better themselves for the real world.”

Welcome to the Nest to our newest Cardinals! Click here to learn more and to schedule your new student orientation today.