Melody of the Soul

December 30, 2025

Lena Gokelman, BM ’85 and Bill Gokelman, BM ’85By: Lena Gokelman, BM ’85 and Bill Gokelman, BM ’85

It is often said that music is the language of the soul. Music can evoke memories, and give expression to emotions, relationships and life circumstances that are inexpressible through words alone. Music has no limits. Perhaps that is why music is such a significant part of our faith lives.

At times, it is obvious that God is working in our lives, giving us direction and revealing truth, whether through encounters with others or in small, almost indistinguishable ways. In these instances, we know what we want to say to God and music enriches that response.

But then there are times when God’s presence seems intangible, and music gives breath to the words we don’t have. After the tragedy on September 11, 2001, many people turned to something higher for solace. People grappled with the inexpressible. Our words alone were not enough. It was the union of music and text that gave us a means of expression and brought us together. Our faith tells us God is always there but sometimes we are hard pressed to express the “where” and “how.” Just as faith implies a total giving in of oneself to one’s beliefs, the power of music lies in its ability to lift us, carry us, transform us, and even heal us. Roger Ames’ Reflection on Amazing Grace is dedicated to the children of the victims of the 9/11 attacks.

Sometimes music alone, without words, is enough. It is in these moments when we listen to music, and truly open our hearts to it, that we can become more sensitive, more attuned to the experiences of others, and our perspectives are expanded. In the main musical theme from Schindler’s List, the solo violin with its languid, aching melody brings us closer to the suffering endured by 6 million Jewish people.

As professional musicians, we have the privilege of doing what we love almost every day. It is not just our vocation, it is our joy, passion and ministry. As music educators and music ministers, we are aware of an important distinction: we don’t teach music – we teach people, whether in the classroom or the worship setting, and music is the powerful tool we use. More than just learning to read notes or gaining technical proficiency – both of which are important – the study of music enriches lives by increasing self-confidence, helping to deal with complex emotions, teaching collaboration and the creation of beauty within a community, building analytical and research skills, and developing means of self-expression, to name just a few of the many benefits. In the worship setting, music from Medieval chants to the devotional songs of today also expresses the tenets and stories of our faith. It is a means by which we express our praise of the God who created us and who continues to nourish us throughout our lives. Music can carry our lament, express our hope and foster unity. Music expresses the diversity of the global family and reminds us of our call to be the hands and feet of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ.

Human beings are creative by nature. We don’t all create in the same way, but all of us have the ability and the need to express who we are at a core level. Music – whether we are the creators or benefactors of it, whether we experience it in prayer or in the rhythms of daily life – is one of the most profound ways to achieve this expression. It gives voice to our spiritual center, our deepest beliefs and our faith. It helps make us whole, and not limited by our societal constructs. Through music, we can open ourselves to the boundless message of God’s inexpressible love, compassion and presence. Sometimes, the only way to hear the inexpressible is through a language that has no limits.


Links to music samples for highlighted text above

Reflection on Amazing Grace:


Schindler’s List: