Institutional Identifiers

The table below contains identifiers commonly used in grant proposals. If you do not find what you are looking for here, please contact or (210) 805-3555 for assistance.
UIW General Data for Sponsored Projects
Name Identifier
Official Name University of the Incarnate Word
Official Address 4301 Broadway Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78209-6318
Authorized Institutional Official Doug Endsley
Interim Vice President for Finance and Budget
Phone: (210) 829-6038
Fax: (210) 829-3901
U.S. Congressional District TX-021
State Representative District 120
State Senate District 26 Unique Entity ID (UEI) CV52PP94GAD5
Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNS) 119844538
Commercial & Government Entity Code (CAGE) IGCZ9
NIH IPF Code 3591001
Employee ID Number (EIN/TIN) 74-1109661
Human Subjects Federalwide Assurance (FWA) 00009201
Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) 4815625
Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates (IDC, F&A)
Base: Direct salaries and wages, excluding fringe benefits
Effective Period: 06/01/2020 - 05/31/2024
Agency: DHHS - CAS: Darryl W Mayes, (301) 492-4855
67.4% (On-Campus)
34.8% (Off-Campus)
Fringe Benefits Rate 22%