Ummugul Bulut, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Office Location: Assistant Professor, Mathematics Phone: (210) 890-8522 Email: ubulut@uiwtx.eduDr. Ummugul Bulut received her Ph.D. in mathematics from Texas Tech University in 2012. After two years of postdoctoral experience at Grand Valley State University in Michigan and several years of teaching experience at Texas A&M University-San Antonio, she joined UIW in 2022. Dr. Bulut is very interested in working with undergraduates given her previous role directing undergraduate research projects, such as "Pharmacokinetics Models," which received an award as one of the best posters at the "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics" Great Lakes Section meeting in 2015. Dr. Bulut would be more than happy to discuss undergraduate research opportunities with UIW math majors!
Dr. Bulut embraces public scholarship and community activism, both by organizing women for science events to encourage young girls to pursue careers in the STEM field, and by supporting organizations to help immigrant and refugee families.
Dr. Bulut's personal interests are gardening, mentoring Girl Scouts, spending time with family and friends, as well as participating in interfaith gatherings.
Dr. Bulut embraces public scholarship and community activism, both by organizing women for science events to encourage young girls to pursue careers in the STEM field, and by supporting organizations to help immigrant and refugee families.
Dr. Bulut's personal interests are gardening, mentoring Girl Scouts, spending time with family and friends, as well as participating in interfaith gatherings.
- Ph.D. Mathematics Texas Tech University, 2012
- M.S. Mathematics Texas Tech University, 2009
- B.S. Mathematics Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
- Assistant Professor, University of the Incarnate Word, 2022-Present
- Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University San Antonio, 2016-2021
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Grand Valley State University, 2013-2015
- Teaching Assistant/ Instructor, Texas Tech University, 2007-2013
- SIAM Mathematical modeling for biological dynamics, invited speaker, “Stochastic Avian Influenza mODEL,” Houston, (2022)
- Md Rafiul Islam, Ummugul Bulut, Teresa Patricia Feria-Arroyo, Michael G. Tyshenko, Tamer Oraby, (2022). Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Cervid Chronic Wasting Disease in Semi-Arid South Texas. Frontiers in Epidemiology.
- Kamrujjaman M., Keya K.N., Bulut U., Md Rafiul Islam, Muhammad Mohebujjaman, (2022), Spatio-temporal solutions of a diffusive directed dynamics model with harvesting. J. Appl. Math. Comput.
- Ummugul Bulut, Emily Frye, Jillian Greene, Yuanchun Li, Mary Lee, (2020), The Hidden Price of Convenience: A Cyber-Inclusive Cost-Benefit Analysis of Smart Cities, Association for Women in Mathematics Series by Springer, Research in Mathematics and Public Policy, 23, Springer.
- Karthik Balaji, Minou Rabiei, Vural Suicmez, Celal Hakan Canbaz, Zinyat Agharzeyva, Suleyman Tek, Ummugul Bulut, Cenk Temizel, (2018), Status of Data-Driven Methods and their Applications in Oil and Gas Industry, featured at 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, 11-14 June, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Akhtar Lodgher, Jeong Yang, Ummugul Bulut, (2018), An Innovative Modular Approach for Teaching Cyber Security across Computing Curricula, IEEE Frontiers in Education
- Dogan Ciftci, U. Bulut, (2016), Stochastic Biased and Correlated Random Walk Models, Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations, 24: 163-180.
- Bulut, E. J. Allen, (2013), Derivation of SDEs for a Macroevolutionary Process, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 18: 1777-1792.
- Bulut, E. J. Allen, (2012), Derivation of SPDEs for Correlated Random Walk Transport Models in One and Two Dimensions, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 30: 553-567.
- Differential Equations
- Linear Algebra
- Statistics
- Probability
- College Algebra
- Precalculus
- Calculus I, II
- Business Calculus
- Trigonometry
- Finite Mathematics
- Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Bulut’s primary research interests are stochastic differential equations and mathematical biology. She enjoys developing and testing computational methods for applied mathematical problems involving stochastic differential equations. In addition, she derives epidemic models to study spread of an infectious disease and future possible outbreaks.
Besides that, Dr. Bulut has an interest in improving undergraduate mathematics education. From 2017 till 2018, she worked collaboratively in NSA grant to improve the mathematical aspects of the cyber security curriculum at Texas A&M University San Antonio. In Fall 2018, Dr. Bulut was chosen to participate in the "Women in Math and Public Policy" workshop organized by UCLA and the Rand Corporation. Dr. Bulut worked for the "Modeling Risk Triage in a Cyber-Compromised World" project to compute the mathematical cost-benefit analysis of a smart city under a possible cyber-attack.
Besides that, Dr. Bulut has an interest in improving undergraduate mathematics education. From 2017 till 2018, she worked collaboratively in NSA grant to improve the mathematical aspects of the cyber security curriculum at Texas A&M University San Antonio. In Fall 2018, Dr. Bulut was chosen to participate in the "Women in Math and Public Policy" workshop organized by UCLA and the Rand Corporation. Dr. Bulut worked for the "Modeling Risk Triage in a Cyber-Compromised World" project to compute the mathematical cost-benefit analysis of a smart city under a possible cyber-attack.