Institutional Policy

The Office of Quality Assurance and Compliance is responsible for institutional policy management. It organizes, catalogs, and reviews institutional policies for quality assurances, and manages their consistent publication, periodic reviews, and updates at the institutional level. The Director Quality Assurance and Compliance leads the UIW Policy Committee and oversees the UIW Policy Library.  


The Office of Quality Assurance and Compliance organizes, catalogs, and reviews institutional policy for quality assurances, and manages their consistent publication, periodic reviews, and updates. Any proposed or updated policy at the University must be approved through the appropriate channels to be approved and incorporated as an institutional policy. Below serves as a general overview of action items needing approval, and a description of what that entails and the appropriate approving body.

Department or Program-specific handbooks, procedures and guidelines. Department and program-specific handbooks, as well as department or program-specific procedures or guidelines that are operational in nature, are not required to go through institutional approval mechanisms such as the Policy Committee or Board of Trustees. Most of these types of handbooks, guidelines, and procedures are approved at the departmental or division-level, and do not overlap with other departments or divisions. Moreover, many of these types of requirements are set by program-specific accreditors.

The one exception to this provision is all University handbooks must be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel on an annual basis. All handbooks should be submitted to the Office of General Counsel during the summer with ample time to review ahead of the following academic year.

Departmental, Divisional or Operational Policy. Departmental, Divisional, or Operational policies are those policies that are necessary for the operation of the University. These policies are institution-wide or overlap multiple departments, but do not rise to the level of those policies requiring approval by the full Board of Trustees. Most of these policies can be approved through the Policy Committee. Approval for these types of policies are as follows: