Dr. Hsin-I (Steve) Liu
Professor Communication Arts Office Location: AD 211 Phone: (210) 283-5043 Email: liu@uiwtx.eduHsin-I grew up in Taiwan and received Ph.D. degree in Communication Studies from the University of Iowa (Iowa City). His research interests are critical cultural/media studies, philosophy of communication and social theories. Hsin-I has made conference presentations at Academia Sinica, the Association for Cultural Studies, Beijing Forum, International Association for Media and Communication Research, International Communication Association, International Congress for Aesthetics, International Symposium on Bilingualism, National Communication Association, World Congress of Philosophy, and other national and international conferences. In 2015, he served as visiting professor in the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University, the best and oldest university in China. Before joining UIW in 2004, Hsin-I taught at the University of Iowa (Iowa City) and the Open University of Hong Kong.
Ph.D. in Communication Studies, University of Iowa (Iowa City)
Dissertation: “Farewell to Mass Communication?: The Unfinished Project of the Culture Industry” (with the Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship granted by Graduate College at University of Iowa)
M.A. in Communication, University of Hawaii at Manoa (with the East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship)
Thesis: "Stuart Hall and Media Studies: Towards a Post-Marxist Media Analysis"
M.A. program in Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (with the Graduate Degree Fellowship granted by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan)
B.A. in Journalism, National Cheng-Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan
Professor, 2016-Present
Associate professor, 2010-2016
Assistant Professor, 2004-2010
Department of Communication Arts
University of the Incarnate Word
Visiting Professor, Spring 2015
School of Journalism and Communication
Peking University, Beijing, China
Lecturer, 1999-2003
School of Arts and Social Sciences
Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Teaching Assistant/Part-Time Instructor, 1994-1997
Department of Communication Studies
University of Iowa (Iowa City)
Liu, H. (2015). Reading Adorno’s Culture Industry: The Search for a Missing Genealogy in Critical Media Studies. Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication, 37 (12), 154-72. [CSSCI journal]
Liu, H. (2013). I have a Face and a Thousand Books, so I Don’t Need Facebook: A Critical View on Social Media. In the Academic Committee of Beijing Forum (Ed.), Selected Papers of Beijing Forum 2012 (pp. 296-307). Beijing, China: Peking University Press.
Liu, H. (2010). How is Rationality Possible? Habermas’s Spiral View of Communicative Rationality. In Richard R-C Hwang (Ed.), Communication, Critique and Praxis: An Anthology on Habermas at 80 (pp. 205-235). Taipei, Taiwan: Asian Culture.
Conference Presentations
Communication as Solidarity: Toward an In-Formative Theory of Public Communication. The 24th World Congress of Philosophy, Peking University, Beijing, China, August 13-20, 2018.
Respondent, Panel on Symbol, Identity and the Internet. The 1st Thinkers’ Summit of Translingual Communication on Life: Space, Symbol, Wisdom, Peking University, Beijing, China, January 9-10, 2016.
The Dialectic of Culture and Economy in TV: A Preliminary Analysis of American TV Programming in the 1950. The 4th International Conference on English, Discourse and Intercultural Communication, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau, China, June 4-7, 2013.
When “Mountain Barbarians” Meet “Sweet Potato Fellow”: The Dialectical Interplay of Chineseness and Taiwaneseness in Hou Hsiao-Hsien’s Trilogy of Taiwanese Identity. The 8th International Symposium on Bilingualism, University of Oslo, Norway, June 15-18, 2011.
Communication as the Cult of the Self: Critical Audience Studies on Interpretive Subjectivity. The 8th Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads for Cultural Studies Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China, June 17-21, 2010.
Invited Lectures
Power and the Self, Institute of Communication Studies, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 5th, 2017.
Lecture series on the Critique of Contemporary Media Power, Center for Public Communication and Social Development, Peking University, Beijing, China, December 2015.
Teaching “Reading Culture Industry” at Peking University: A Look Back, School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, June 15, 2015.
- Advisory Board, Center for Public Communication and Social Development, Peking University, China, 2016-2020.
- Reviewer, Annual International Communication Association Conference: Philosophy, Theory and Critique Division, 2009-2015, 2018-2019.
- Reviewer, Annual International Communication Association Conference: Mass Communication Division, 2008-2009, 2018-2019.
- Reviewer, The 94th Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: Communication Technology Division, Denver, USA, August 4-7, 2010.
- Review Committee, Theme Session: Communication in the Public Interest, the 54th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, USA, May 27-31, 2004.
- Review Committee, Informing Science + Information Technology Education Joint Conference, 2003-2004.
- Editorial Board, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1998.
- Travel Grant, The 1st Thinkers’ Summit of Translingual Communication on Life: Space, Symbol, Wisdom, Peking University, Beijing, China, January 2016.
- Teaching Grant, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, Beijing, China, Spring 2015.
- Travel Grant, Beijing Forum, Peking University, Beijing, China, November 2012.
- Faculty Endowment Research Award, University of the Incarnate Word, 2008.
- Presidential Teaching Award Nominee, University of the Incarnate Word, 2007.
- Grant for Scholars from Asia, The 15th International Congress of Aesthetics, University of Tokyo, Japan, August 2001.
- Kyoon Hur Dissertation Award Nominee, International Communication Association, 2000.
- Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship, Graduate College, University of Iowa, 1997-1998.
- Graduate Degree Fellowship, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990-1992.
- Member, University Rank and Tenure Committee, 2016-2020.
- Chair/Member, Master’s Thesis Committees, Department of Communication Arts, 2004-present.
- Member, Institutional Effectiveness Council, 2016-2018.
- Chair, Search Committee for Bilingual Communication Faculty, Department of Communication Arts, 2007-2008, 2013-2014.
- Member, Doctoral Dissertation Committees, Dreeben School of Education, 2006-2012.
- Founding Member, Research Advisory Committee to the EARDA Initiative (NIH Extramural Associates Research Development Award), 2007-2012. [The Research Advisory Committee received the 1881 Commemorative Award for Faculty Development at UIW in 2009.]
- Member, Faculty Development Fund Committee, 2010-2012.
- Member, Institutional Review Board, 2007-2011.
- Member, Graduate Council, 2008-2010.
- Member, Mission Committee, 2006-2009.
- Chair, Poster Abstract Review Committee, UIW Research Day, 2008-2009.
- Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Philosophy, 2008-2009.
- Member, Under-Represented Groups and Education (URGE), 2005-2008.
- Communication Research Methods
- Communications, Technology, and Society
- Communication Theories
- Cultural Theories
- Global Media Studies
- Impact of Media on Society
- Intercultural Communication