Current Initiatives
Engaged Scholarship and Service Learning for Social Justice Transformation
Consider topics related to racism, religious bias, local inequities, human trafficking, sexism or sustainability.
DEI Circles Spring 2022 Events
Date | January's Events | Time | Registration |
Fri. 01/07/22 | New Year Prayer for Racial Justice | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Fri. 01/14/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: MLK Legacy | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Mon. 01/17/22 | San Antonio's MLK March | 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Register for MLK March |
Wed. 01/19/22 | The Gift of Diversity | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. | Register Gift of Diversity Zoom |
Thurs. 01/20/22 | The Roots of Racism - Session 1 | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register Event on Zoom |
Fri. 01/21/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: MLK Legacy | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Wed. 01/26/22 | The Call to Inclusion | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. | Register for Call to Inclusion Zoom |
Wed. 01/26/22 | Want Democracy? The Racial Wealth and Income Gap | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Register January 26 Event |
Thurs. 01/27/22 | Systemic Racism Today - Session 2 | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register for Zoom Events |
Fri. 01/28/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: MLK Legacy | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Date | February's Events | Time | Registration link |
Tues. 02/01/22 | The Gift of Diversity | 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. | Register on Zoom |
Wed. 02/02/22 | The Gift of Diversity | 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. | Register 02/02/22 |
Thurs. 02/03/22 | Journey to Racial Justice | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register 02/03/22 |
Fri. 02/04/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: Dr. Howard Thurman | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Tues. 02/08/22 | The Call to Inclusion | 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. | Register 02/08/22 |
Wed. 02/09/22 | The Call to Inclusion | 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. | Register 02/09/22 |
Thurs. 02/10/22 | Journey to Racial Justice | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register 02/10/22 |
Fri. 02/11/22 | The Roots of Racism Session 1 | 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Register 02/11; 2/18 |
Fri. 02/11/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: Sr. Thea Bowman | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Thurs. 02/17/22 | LGTBQ+ Ally Training - Part 1 | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register 3 Sessions |
Fri. 02/18/22 | Systemic Racism Today Session 2 | 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Register 02/11; 2/18 |
Fri. 02/18/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: St. Josephine Bakhita | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Wed. 02/23/22 | Want Democracy? The Racial Wealth and Income Gap | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Register 02/23/22 |
Thurs. 02/24/22 | LGTBQ+ Ally Training - Part 2 | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register 3 Sessions |
Fri. 02/25/22 | Prayer for Racial Justice: Mrs. Fannie Lou Hammer | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Date | March's Events | Time | Registration link |
Tues. 03/01/22 | The Gift of Diversity | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. | Register March 1 Event |
Wed. 03/02/22 | The Gift of Diversity | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. | Register March 2 Event |
Thurs. 03/03/22 | LGTBQ+ Ally Training - Part 3 | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Training Registration |
Fri. 03/04/22 | Stations of the Cross for Peace and Justice | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Tues. 03/15/22 | The Call to Inclusion | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. | Register March 15 Event |
Wed. 03/16/22 | The Call to Inclusion | 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. | Register March 16 Event |
Thurs. 03/17/22 | Gender Equity Panel | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register Gender Equity Event |
Fri. 03/18/22 | Stations of the Cross for Peace and Justice | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Wed. 03/23/22 | Want Democracy? Intro to Faith-based Advocacy | 6 - 7:30 p.m. | Register March 23 Event |
Fri. 03/25/22 | Stations of the Cross for Peace and Justice | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
Sat. 03/26/22 | Cesar Chávez March for Justice | TBA | In-person event - TBA |
Thurs. 03/31/22 | Gender Equity Panel | 12 - 1:15 p.m. | Register March 31 Event |
Fri. 04/01/22 | Stations of the Cross for Peace and Justice | 12 p.m. | Our Lady's Chapel |
@TheIntersection* Multi-Faith Symposium
See main briefings, service opportunities, and groups to further compassionate action in our city from the gathering on January 11, 2022 which included Mayor Ron Nirenberg, UIW Provost Dr. Barbara Aranda-Naranjo, UIW Associate Vice-President for Mission Dr. Arturo Chavez, Rev. Ann Helmke, COSA Faith-Based Office, and speakers on compassionate community, housing security, houselessness, domestic violence, hunger and food security, immigration and refugees, mental health, resourcing, and public safety. View the Symposium here.
Deadline for Proposals for the UIW Service Learning and Engaged Scholarship Showcase, April 6, 2022.
Jan. 21 deadline to submit. Find details on the UIW Research Week site. See examples of presentations since 2017.Share your work in progress as well as completed successes.
Dream Week Events sponsored by the University of the Incarnate Word
Jan. 23, 2022 at 2 p.m. "The Future of Faith". Learn from the president of Sojourners Adam Russell Taylor, author of A More Perfect Union: A New Vision for Building the Beloved Community; Ron Nirenberg, Mayor of San Antonio, Josh Dickson, White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, and Ilse Martinez (COPS/Metro). Join in conversations led by UIW colleagues Dr. Lisa Brown, Dr. Sandy Guzman Foster, Bishop Trevor Alexander, Dr. Doshie Piper, Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, and others.
Jan. 26, 2022 at 6 p.m. Want Democracy? See more description below.
Jan. 28, 2022 at 11 a.m. Civil Rights and Social Justice Spotlight sponsored by "As One We Will," UIW Student Social Justice organization.
"Humanity in Black and White: Photography of the Homeless and Black Lives Matter" by Alejandro Abarca
Sponsored by the Ettling Center at the Rosenberg School of Optometry, January 1 to February 28, 2022.
“Opening Our Eyes,” a gathering on zoom, Tuesday, Jan. 25, 12 - 1 p.m. will be moderated by Dr. Arturo Chavez with a student from the eye care service trip to Yucatan mentored by Dr. Jeannette Wong-Powell and Alejandro Abarca who will discuss his photography.
Want Democracy?
In partnership with NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, we will launch the first of the three workshops during " Dream Week" in honor of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Join us for the following DEI circles in the spring of 2022:
The Racial Wealth and Income Gap: An interactive workshop that has participants explore the systemic impacts of 12 federal policies on the wealth accumulation of four families throughout U.S. history. The same workshop will be offered twice.
- January 26, 2022, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
- February 23, 2022, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Intro to Faith-Based Advocacy: Using NETWORK’s “Educate, Organize, Lobby,” model, advocates and activists will learn about a variety of strategies and tactics to build or participate in a transformative social justice campaign.
- March 23, 2022, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Workshop Presenters include:
Catherine Gillette - NETWORK’s Grassroots Mobilization Coordinator
Colin Longmore - NETWORK’s Grassroots Outreach and Education Specialist
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice: Founded by Catholic Sisters in the progressive spirit of Vatican II, NETWORK works to create a society that promotes justice and the dignity of all in the shared abundance of God’s creation. Inspired by our founders and the leadership of the women who followed, we faithfully embody Gospel justice as we ignite hope in the world. We are rooted in Catholic Social Justice and are open to all who share our passion
“Space in Between,” Your hands and heart helping to co-create space for immigrants and refugees in our “City of Compassion”
Listen to our immigrant and refugee brothers and sisters tell their stories. Work with international acclaimed community artist Margarita Cabrera who is co-creating “Space in Between.” Help bring their stories to her coming art exhibit at the Mc Nay Museum of Art.
Fridays, February 4 through April 29
1 p.m.
Administration Building 365 (Mask and social distancing required)
More Information: or Sr. Martha Ann Kirk -
Migrants, Immigrants, Refugee Network initiated by the Incarnate Word Sisters: Engaged Scholarship, Teaching, and Service Learning
Incarnate Word began with a group of young French immigrants. We are called to co-create a more inclusive and just world respecting human dignity and working for improved global economies. How can our scholarship, teaching, and student service learning focus on current challenges for refugees, immigrants, and migrants? Sister Adriana Calzada is helping to link initiatives with Alejandra Buitrón, director of the Incarnate Word Sisters Migrant, Immigrant, and Refugee Network (MIRN).
Compassionate Integrity Training
January 27 - March 24, 2022
Thursdays, 7 - 9 p.m. Register for the Compassion Integrity Training here.
Learn what is growing in our city and continue that goodness Compassionate San Antonio | Compassion Lives Here! Read about the global movement of Compassionate Integrity Training. CIT is a resiliency-informed program that cultivates human values as skills, so we can thrive as individuals, and a society, within a healthy environment. By learning skills to calm our bodies and mind, becoming more emotionally aware, learning to practice compassion for ourselves and others, as well as engaging with compassion in complex systems, we can build towards compassionate integrity: the ability to live one’s life in accordance with one’s values with a recognition of common humanity, our basic orientation to kindness and reciprocity.
Visit Compassionate Integrity Training
Facilitators Dr. Sandy Guzman Foster and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, Dalia Mohamed, MA
Solidarity with the "Young Women’s Global Leadership Program"
Faculty, student, and staff mentors are needed to be in solidarity with the growing groups of young people with monthly gatherings of students in San Antonio, Uganda, Kenya, and Kosovo. Visit for the Young Women's Global Leadership Program site more information.
Contact: Dr. Joan Labay Marquez -
Gulf-South Summit "Cultivating Community Resilience Through Engagement," March 23 - 25, 2022
The summit on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement through Higher Education is to promote networking among practitioners, research, ethical practices, reciprocal campus-community partnerships, sustainable programs, and a culture of engagement and public awareness through service-learning and other forms of civic engagement. Hear UIW colleagues presenting from these areas which are supporting the UIW Institutional Membership: CHASS, the Dreeben School of Education, Nursing and Health Professions, Mission and Ministry, Office of Research and Graduate Studies. All UIW faculty, staff, administrators, and students can register for no charge because of their generous sponsorship. The UIW promo code is 2022GSSUIW
Service learning can be good for students, teachers and for the world.
Right now, many traditional service activities are impossible, but service is more than physical labor in a place. Service can be done through education, research, or advocacy.
Service through advocacy
Communicate with a local, state, national, and international leader. Influence the general population through writing an article, letters to the editor and social media.
Service through education
Clarify the outcomes (build relationships and solidarity, lessen overt bias, move towards equity, shift negative behaviors to positive energy, compassion and empathetic accountability), define the group (elementary, high school, young adult, general population, elders), the method (engage with a group virtually, write stories or learning modules, make films, or other ways) and the assessment (how do we know we have been successful).
Service through research
Situations cannot be improved until challenges are well defined. Methods of improvement need to be tracked and accessed. Many disciplines contribute to sound research. Learn entrances to research, accountability and goal setting through the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, SA2020 Goals, and Compassionate San Antonio.
Stories of Truth and Transformation
Compassion, Civic Engagement, Teaching Social Justice
Watch films from the city-wide institute of listening, sharing and acting related to San Antonio as a “ City of Compassion.” This is on-going support for good teaching, learning and transformation:
2021 Events
Below are 2021 initiatives and events. Check back for updates because many of these programs will be offered again.
"Humanity in Black and White: Photography of the Homeless and Black Lives Matter" by Alejandro Abarca
Born in Corpus Christi, raised in San Antonio, Alejandro Abarca's photography shows the injustice within America and uses photography to bring awareness to those afflicted by systematic injustice, as well as those suffering across the world. He says, “My photography conveys a pang of societal guilt. This guilt I hope to spread through contagion. The homeless, a class unspoken for, neglected, and unheard. Black Lives Matter, a movement seeking change in the face of relentless opposition. These are the subjects of my work. They inspire reflection in me, as I hope they do in you.”
Opening Reception: Fri., Sept. 10, 2021 from 6 - 8 p.m. Exhibit on display: Monday Aug. 30 – Thursday Sept. 30, 2021. Kelso Art Center/Semmes Gallery, Phone (210) 829-3852. (Broadway and Hildebrand on campus) Gallery hours: 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Monday through Friday (except UIW holidays)
IMAGO DEI: How do we learn to recognize the face of God?
Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021 at 5:15 p.m.
In the exhibit "Humanity in Black and White: Photography of the Homeless and Black Lives Matter" a conversation between students, faculty and friends who have moved among the unsheltered and the vulnerable. Alejandro Abarca and Kathy Vargas, Photography; Dr. Hans Bruntmyer with students and faculty from the UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine involved with Street Medicine; Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Religious Studies; Dr. John Kainer and Dr. Sean Vina, Sociology; Dr. Mark Boston, Compassionate Citizen. Conversation led by Dr. Arturo Chavez, Associate Vice-President for Mission and Ministry, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, with the Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability.
"Humanity in Black and White” with Alejandro Abarca and “Building Solidarity” with the Social Justice Leadership Class
Friday, Sept. 24, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.Kelso Art Center
See the exhibit, "Humanity in Black and White: Photography of the Homeless and Black Lives Matter" and join in conversation with the creator Alejandro Abarca. (Or look at his work with homeless persons and with “Black Lives Matter.”) At 11:15 a.m. via zoom, learn from the Social Justice Leadership class “Building Solidarity” with our unsheltered sisters and brothers and gathering resources for them.
This student program is a part of the international movement Campaign Nonviolence.
Sign up for Humanity in Black and White
Acclaimed Community Artist, Creator of the Arbol de la Vida, Margarita Cabrera
Friday, Oct. 8, 2021 at 9 a.m.
Margarita Cabrera is known for building community through inviting stories that develop into art. The World Heritage Festival featured her Arbol de la Vida at Mission Espada. She will speak on the Space in Between. People in other cities have gathered to reflect on stories of immigrants and refugees there. She is inviting us to further this art project in San Antonio. What are the stories related to San Antonio? As we listen to stories, we create the art out of fabric (recycling the uniforms of Border Patrol Agents) and we create relationships.
Ettling Center for Civic Leadership and Sustainability: A Virtual Open House on Service Learning
Friday, Jan. 8, 2021, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
On the hour and half-hour, attend 10-minute presentations on the basics of service-learning, talk with the ECCLS staff and meet a new Program Assistant for Service Learning, Alyssa Kennedy, MA. Consider virtual opportunities that involve education, research or advocacy. There will be time for questions and raffle prizes! Click here if you want to start thinking about service learning now or you cannot attend this Jan. 8 event.
Muslims and Christians Together Creating the Beloved Community: Transforming Racism Through Understanding and Uniting in Compassionate Service
Friday, Jan. 15, 2021, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
This panel, featuring religious leaders from both the Muslim and Christian traditions, is an official San Antonio DreamWeek event. After the panel, those attending may join teams which will select research, education and/or advocacy projects to help dismantle prejudice for groups of various ages. Register to be part of the service teams. During February, the teams will work on the virtual service projects. The Showcase Sharing of what was learned will be held on Friday, March 26, 2021 at 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Critical Thinking, Compassion, Civic Engagement
Monday, Jan. 25, 2021, 3:30 - 5 p.m.
As we continue to explore “Pedagogies for social justice” including service learning, participate in a conversation with educators from the classroom and civic engagement centers from around the city including Arturo Chavez, Sandy Guzman-Foster, Dhawn Martin and Ann Helmke.
Learn more about the Jan. 25 event
San Antonio 2020 (SA2020): A Shared Vision
Friday, Jan. 29, 2021, 11 a.m.
SA2020 seeks to unify progress towards a shared vision of a thriving San Antonio. They report on progress, inform and activate the public, and align efforts towards the community’s goals.
Before joining the city-wide group, participate in the Social Justice Leadership class held on January 29 and consider the significance of SA2020.
In 2010, nearly 6,000 San Antonians came together to create a shared vision for the future of the city. Ten years later, amid a global public health crisis, more than 12,000 San Antonians have reaffirmed and strengthened the shared vision for another decade. A shared Community Vision is important — both for what it says, and for what it pushes us to accomplish together. SA2020 will celebrate 10 years of collective work by releasing the 2020 Community Impact Report on the last ten years, by unveiling the reaffirmed and strengthened Community Vision through the year 2030, an updated online dashboard to track progress for San Antonio’s next ten years. All-day, SA2020 will host “The Collective,” a series of workshops, artist talks, and hands-on activities led by San Antonians designed to inspire community-driven action. Visit to learn more. The UIW SA2020 Ambassadors are Dr. Tracie Edmonds,, and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D., (210) 883-5934.
Engaged Scholarship: Blending Service with Scholarship
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, 2 - 3 p.m.
The term engaged scholarship originates with Ernest Boyer, renowned for his work envisioning faculty work in creative ways. For Boyer, this type of scholarship involves the orientation toward our work, one that directs attention toward current community needs as well as the more traditional interests of the academy. Hear about approaches to engaged scholarship from UIW colleagues Teri Lopez and Alfredo Ortiz.
Black History Month: Student Research Showcase: A virtual gathering and exhibit of UIW student work related to Black history and heritage
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
View information on submitting proposals by Feb. 2, 2021 and service learning credit for educating others. Among the presenters will be LaShori Lanier sharing The Murder of Molly Smith, her ancestor who was lynched, a project in Margaret Mitchell’s Theatre for Social Change class. Presenters from Dr. LuElla D'Amico's American Women's Writers and Popular Culture class will share on Phillis Wheatley and Honorée Fannone Jeffers.
Inequity in San Antonio Revealed in West Side Murals
Friday, Feb. 19, 2021, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Take a video virtual tour delighting in the beauty and analyzing the iniquities in health and education, the humanity of immigrants and the call to sustainability, the gang violence and domestic violence. Join in conversation with Sister Martha Ann Kirk who lives amid the murals. Discuss and work in teams doing education, advocacy, or research.
Immigrants and Refugees: Learning, Teaching, and Serving
Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021, 6 p.m.
Join a three-part series sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, “Globalizing compassion, cooperation, and solidarity.” Webinar 1: “A Heart Open to the Whole World” – Fratelli Tutti (Chapter 4), February 24, 6 p.m. with Archbishop Gustavo Siller, Sister Tere Maya, CCVI and others. Future webinars will be “Human Dignity Knows No Borders,” and “Relief at Your Hands.” Details coming soon.
As educators in Catholic institutions, what do we need to know, what should we teach, and how could we serve in solidarity? Learn about educational programs, resources and service opportunities. The Incarnate Word Sisters invite all to compassionate action. To participate, contact Sister Adriana Calzada, CCVI, at
Pictured above: faces of immigrant children who died in US Detention Centers were displayed in the Chapel of the Incarnate Word for local prayer in solidarity with a national plea “End the Inhumanity.” Read more about CCVIs Participate in Catholic Day of Action for Migrant Children.
Friday, Feb. 26, 2021, 9 - 10 p.m.
Learn to be an investigator from Billy Neely, founder of SACRD, who works to connect resources and those in need and of, the network of 900 compassionate groups working together, and help the network grow. Also, learn of UIW Spanish faculty, Dr. Amalia Mondriguez, Dr. Gabriel Saxton-Ruiz, Dr. Michael Tallon, and students serving thousands by translating text. Computer training is an ongoing opportunity. Learn with the Social Justice Leaders class on Friday morning, Feb. 26, 9 - 10 a.m. Contact ECCLS Service Learning Assistant, Alyssa Kennedy, at
March Women’s History Month: A Showcase on Human Trafficking - Women Are Victimized
Originally scheduled for: Monday, March 15, 2021, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
A showcase to learn from the National Executive Director of Sisters Against Human Trafficking on how to do online advocacy, education and research against trafficking. Attend a presentation of a successful service-learning project around human trafficking which has been done and published by graduate Nursing students and faculty, “Implementation of a Human Trafficking Screening Protocol,” in the Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Other presentations will be provided by Theatre for Social Change students. Information for students, staff, or faculty to submit proposals to present by March 3, 2021.
Globalizing Compassion, Cooperation, and Solidarity
March 17, 2021, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Part II of this three-part webinar entitled "Human Dignity, Knows No Borders" will focus on immigration and the events that are happening on the Texas/Mexico International border. This dynamic trio panel discussion will elaborate on current events, the legal jargon and journey, and what we can do as an advocate and global citizen. The Sisters of Charity of The Incarnate Word invite faculty and students to be apart of this event. Faculty, students may sign up on "give pulse" for the opportunity to earn service-learning credit hours.
The event will be moderated by Dr. Arturo Chavez, UIW Associate VP/DEI, Mission, and Ministry.
Call for Proposals
March 25, 2021 Submission Deadline 12 p.m.
The EcoExchangeEdu’s 6th Sustainability Showcase will take place on Tuesday, April 20, and Wednesday, April 21, 2021.
Through a year shaped by the global COVID pandemic, San Antonio’s institutions of higher education have remained committed to making their own campuses more sustainable and to preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century. EcoExchangeEdu, San Antonio’s inter‐campus sustainability organization, is proud to bring attention to our instructions’ commitment by offering its 6th Annual Sustainability Showcase in a virtual format. EcoExchangeEdu invites students, faculty, and staff from area colleges and universities to submit videos highlighting sustainability initiatives at their institutions. EcoExchangeEdu peculiarly encourages submissions that connect to one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which serve as a framework shaping sustainable development ( Video submissions may follow any format, including (but not limited to) formal presentations, performance art, fine art, prototype demonstrations, public service announcements, and mini‐documentaries. Video submissions should fit one of two categories: Short Video (60 seconds or less) or Full Video (1–5 minutes). Videos should be submitted as files (.mp4, .wmv, or .mov) rather than links.
Submissions will undergo a review process, with presenters notified no later than two weeks prior to the event. Accepted submissions will be screened during a showcase session or made available on demand during the showcase.
Contact us at
UIW Research Week 2021 and the Service Learning Showcase
April 12-16, 2021
Let’s “showcase” your good work! Let the light of your engaged scholarship shine! The UIW Research Week 2021: Inclusive Inquiry will be held April 12-16. Call for abstracts before January 25, 2021. Both faculty and students are invited to submit here. Or view presentations from previous years.
April Earth Month: Student Showcase on Compassion Tree Projects and Other Sustainability Efforts
Friday, April 16, 2021, 9 - 11 a.m.
Planting trees is a way of combating climate change. Research the beauty, symbolism and value of trees. Plant some trees. Information on sustainability projects and submitting proposals to present by April 4, 2021.
Register for the April 16 event
Looking Forward: Exploring Service Learning Options for Next fall
Friday, April 16, 2021, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
This session features ten-minute presentations on the basics of service-learning (offered on the hour and half-hour), as well as an opportunity to explore UIW’s existing partnerships with community agencies. Drop into the session when it’s convenient, and consider opportunities for adding service learning to a course in next Fall. More details coming soon.
View the UIW Places for Service page to see some of our community partners over the years.
GivePulse: A Useful or a Useless Tool for Helping to Form “Social Justice Leaders and Engaged and Enlightened Citizens"?
GivePulse is a system that students use. In the process of getting mechanical systems to track student's activity, has the critical part of tracking student's learning been weakened or blocked? A school may be tracking how many hours a child has been in the building, but is the school finding out if the child can read and staying in a process of supporting the teachers as needed.
Is GivePulse, an online system that students have and use, a useful or a useless tool towards developing social justice leaders? How could we make the system useful for the learning outcomes in our classes. How can we use the GivePulse feature of connecting all with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals? How can a teacher “see into GivePulse” if students are learning and what they are learning? How can a teacher initiate a GivePulse posting for a class? How can a teacher find GivePulse postings relevant for classes?
Join a conversation with Sandy Guzman Foster, Ben Miele, LuElla D’Amico, Gabriel Saxton Ruiz, and others reflecting with Yesenia Caloca, Alysssa Kennedy, and Sr. Martha Ann Kirk who have been piloting Give Pulse in the class “Social Justice Leadership.” Consider if GivePulse might help all in UIW Core Educational Outcomes of social justice, critical thinking, integration and spirituality. Click here if you want to start the conversation now considering the service learning in your class?
View a selection of videos introducing GivePulse.
Interfaith Youth Core
Interfaith Projects generously funded by the Interfaith Youth Core are enriching UIW and the city and building bridges. Be “interfaith literate” and learn about our upcoming Interfaith events, including virtual ones.
A Guide to Service Trips
What is some of the research on service trips? What have we been learning in service trips in the last four decades? What can we spell out to guide us into the future? What are reasonable goals, educational outcomes, reflection and assessment? Consider some answers to these questions and more at a conversation led by Sr. Martha Ann Kirk who has been asked to compile a UIW Guide to service trips and experienced faculty and emerging doctoral students. Please write if you would like to help select the date and time at
The Edward Zlotkowski Faculty Service Learning Award
The Edward Zlotkowski Faculty Service Learning Award recognizes a faculty member for innovations in engaged scholarship that integrate service into the curriculum and for efforts to institutionalize service-learning in his/her discipline, school, college or university. Nominations are due March 20, 2021. The award presentation is at the April Faculty Appreciation event. Learn more about the Edward Zlotkowski Faculty Service Learning Award.
San Antonio Compassionate Institute

Compassionate Integrity Training (CIT)
Continuing to further San Antonio as a City of Compassion, the SA Compassionate Institute 2020, which garnered representation from 85% of San Antonio’s institutions of education, continues into 2021 with the first Compassionate Integrity Training. This training will be offered in January and continue weekly for the 10-session virtual series from the Center for Compassion, Integrity, and Secular Ethics led by San Antonio facilitators.
Compassion for Self, Compassion for Others, Compassion in Systems

Mayor Ron Nirenberg and the San Antonio City Council via City Resolution have partnered globally with the Charter for Compassion and 450 other Compassionate Cities. The 2017 Compassionate SA Resolution encourages us as residents and educators to “have all ages explore and teach compassion, based on the understanding that extensive research and resources validate the full spectrum of the benefits of compassion, from the bottom line of business to being a part of the human DNA.”
See a short film of how Compassion is growing in SA. Read a description of the CIT program with weekly 2 hour sessions. The course materials, manual and resources to reflect on during the week are available online. Those who successfully complete the training will receive a certificate.
Thirteen months ago, the center had a goal of having 50 more US educators trained and 50 outside of the US. Because people are finding this useful, there are now 626 trained educators in 74 different countries. The team of local facilitators will be led by Sandy Guzman-Foster, Ph.D. and Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D. View CIT facilitator profiles.
Complete the 2021 CIT Program inquiry form
Compassion Tree Project
As a Service Learning Project that could be related to your class learning outcomes and will be done individually by students and families, participate in the global Compassion Tree Project. Teach the significance of trees and the beauty of trees. In the face of climate change, trees can make a crucial difference. Plant trees for oxygen helping to re-green the earth. Learn more about the Compassion Tree Project movement on the UIW campus and the UIW partnership with San Antonio Parks and Recreation locally. See our President, Dr. Thomas Evans and his family planting, along with our students and city mayor.
How many trees could you and your students pick up off campus individually and adopt? What is the cost? Your promise to care for each sapling you adopt, to cherish God’s creation, tenderly care for it, and to be a life-long learner and lover of trees. View tree planting initiatives on the City of San Antonio website. To help initiate tree adoption, contact the ECCLS Service Learning Assistant, Alyssa Kennedy, at