What is QEP?

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), a crucial component of the UIW's accreditation process, demonstrates our commitment to ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation by focusing on specific issues to enhance student learning outcomes and overall success.

A QEP Focused on Student Success

By introducing evidence-based reading strategies to support students in their coursework and leveraging AI as a reading coach, the QEP empowers students to enhance their reading comprehension. Enabling them to effectively analyze complex texts, extract crucial information, and make informed decisions in academic and real-world settings.

Individual with handbook icon

QEP at a Glance

Prioritizing student learning and professional development

QEP Initiatives

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AI-Supported Reading, Writing and Learning Center

Help build a better learning experience

Faculty Submissions

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Enhancing Reading Comprehension at UIW

Today's world requires our students to be skilled in extracting information from texts in various modalities, including traditional, digital, and artificially generated formats. At UIW, we are committed to enhancing their reading comprehension skills, recognizing that mastering these skills can open up numerous opportunities and empower them to thrive in a world driven by continuously evolving text.

This commitment aligns with the UIW Mission of educating students to become concerned and enlightened citizens within the global community. By ensuring our students have the skills to access and comprehend complex texts in all modalities, we enable them to effectively navigate and contribute to an increasingly interconnected and information-rich world.


QEP Three-tier Framework

QEP initiatives prioritize student learning and the professional development of faculty and peer tutors.

student on laptop

Tier 1: Campus-wide initiatives

  • Pairing Text-Dependent Assignments with Reading Strategies
  • Collection of Resources
  • Faculty Development through the Center for Teaching and Learning
student reading a book

Tier 2: Targeted activities for specific groups, providing specialized support

  • Faculty Reading Academies
  • Peer Tutor Training Program
robot hand with pencil

Tier 3: Individualized support

  • The AI-Supported Reading, Writing, and Learning Center

Empowered Readers. Collaborative Success.

Our Focus

Our QEP focuses on undergraduate students enhancing their reading comprehension skills by leveraging a variety of strategies, including AI. Through this initiative, students will develop the ability to analyze complex texts, extract relevant information, and improve their decision-making processes across diverse academic and real-world scenarios. 


At UIW, our QEP is a collective effort that involves the entire university community. From students and faculty to staff and administration, everyone plays a vital role in the success of our initiative. By working together, we foster a supportive and dynamic environment that enhances reading comprehension skills and prepares our students for the challenges of the digital age.

Timeline and Important Dates

February 24-27, 2025: SACSCOC On-Site Visit
Fall 2025-Spring 2029: QEP Implementation & Data Collection
January 2030: Impact Report to SACSCOC

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Dr. Stephanie Grote-Garcia
Chair of the QEP Implementation Committee

Phone: (210) 832-2106
Email: grotegar@uiwtx.edu

QEP Committee

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