Don D Arispe
Instructor Department of Religious Studies Office Location: AD 241 Phone: (210) 219-8257 Email: ddarispe@uiwtx.eduDon D. Arispe is currently a Community Development Consultant, (owner of CFAR Consulting), Lead Animator for CFAR—the Center for Formative Action and Reflection, (www. CFARSA. org) and an adjunct faculty member at Oblate School of Theology and the University of the Incarnate Word. For over 40 years, Don has served his community either as a full time, volunteer or professional lay minister, trainer, social worker, educator/trainer or community development specialist.
Don is married to Kim Arispe, Director of Family Service Association’s Financial Empowerment Centers in San Antonio’s West, South and Eastside. He is the proud father of 3 young adults and became a grandfather for the first time in Feb 2017. He is the 4th of 6 siblings and is a native of San Antonio. His father’s family has resided in San Antonio since the late 1700’s and are decedents of the Canary Islands and Mexico. His mother’s family is originally from South Texas and Mexico. He was the first in his nuclear family to earn a bachelor’s degree.
- St. Mary's University, San Antonio, TX, 1983 BA in Sociology, incomplete Minor in Business Administration
- Trinity University, San Antonio, TX, 1987, 21 Graduate Hours in Urban Studies
- Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX, 1993, Master of Theological Studies with a concentration in Hispanic Ministry, 12 additional hours toward a Master of Divinity
- Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, TX, 2000, Master of Social Work
- California Institute for Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA, 2013 PhD in Transformative Studies
- Oblate School of Theology, Part-Time Faculty and Director of the Lay Ministry Institute, 1994-95
- Oblate School of Theology, 1992-2016 Adjunct Faculty, Lay MInistry Institute and/or the Insituto Formacion de Pastoral
- Director of Community-Based Leadership Development, 21st Century Leadership Center at St. Mary's University, 2003-07
- Teaching Assistant, California Institute for Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA August 2011-12
- University of the Incarnate Word, Adjunct Faculty, Dept of Religious Studies, 2015-present.
Adjunct Faculty, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX
January 2015-Present
Adjunct Faculty, Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX
August 1992-present
Executive Director/Lead Animator of The Center for Formative Action and Reflection (CFAR), San Antonio, TX
January 2011-present
Owner, CFAR Consulting, San Antonio, TX
January 2008-present
Faculty and Consultant, Public Allies, San Antonio, TX (https://publicallies.org/sanantonio/)
April 2010-present
Teaching Assistant, California Institute for Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA
August 2011-12
Faculty and Consultant, Community Leadership Institute, San Antonio, TX
October 2007-11
Community Leadership Facilitator, 21st Century Leadership Center @ St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, TX
May 2003-07
Community Leadership Development Consultant, Making Connections San Antonio, an Initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, San Antonio, TX January 2005-06
Senior Consultant, Terra Health Incorporated, San Antonio, TX
March 2003-05
Community Development Specialist, Casey Family Programs, San Antonio, TX
February 2001-03
Social Worker, The Casey Family Program, San Antonio, TX
August 1996-2001
Case Assistant, The Casey Family Program, San Antonio, TX
1990-95 (Half-Time) 1995-96 (Full-time)
Associate Director of Lay Ministry, Oblate School of Theology San Antonio, TX
1994-1995 (half-time)
Youth Ministry Consultant, Office of Youth Ministry, Catholic Chancery, San Antonio, TX
Part-time Peace and Justice Educator, Maryknoll Education Center,
Youth Ministry Director/Pastoral Team Member, St. Brigid’s Catholic Community, San Antonio, TX
December 1986-90
Research Intern, United Way of San Antonio, TX
July 1986-December 1986
District Field Director, American Cancer Society McAllen, TX
Caseworker II, Big Brothers an Sisters Alamo Area San Antonio, TX
Unemployment Interviewer, Texas Employment Commission, 1983-84
Research Assistant, St. Mary’s University, Sociology Department, San Antonio, TX August 1981-83 (work-study position)
Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, St. James Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX
1978-80 (full time volunteer position)
- For a view of selected current academic papers including published dissertation (2013) see: http://ciis.academia.edu/DonArispe
- Contributor, Promise Neighborhood Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, United Way of San Antonio in conjunction with Trinity University, Christine Drennon PhD, principal, 2011.
- General Editor, “Spread the News” electronic newsletter, 3 e-newsletters per week, 48 weeks per year, subscription list of over 750 community leaders, 2004-2007, St. Mary’s University 21st Century Leadership Center, 2004-2007. Link no longer available.
- Editor, Neighborhood Leadership Development Program, Neighborhood Resource Center, San Antonio, TX, 2006. (no longer available online)
- Kinship Caregiver Resource Guide. Chief Writer, 2002. (no longer available online)
- Article: “Mi Familia,” In: Adoption. Com electronic newsletter. 2002. (no longer available online)
- Texas Dept. of Protective and Regulatory Services, Comprehensive Relative Enhancement, Support and Training (CREST) Curriculum, Revision Editor, 2001.
- The Casey Family Program Birth Family Project Program Development and Practice Guidelines Report, 2000. General Editor and chief writer.
- The Casey Family Program, San Antonio Division Family Advocacy Training Curriculum, General editor and chief writer, 1995.
- Book Review, Journal of Latino/Hispanic Theology, May 1995, Volume II, No. 4, pp. 59-61. From Power to Communion: Toward a New Way of Being Church Based on the Latin American Experience. Robert S Pelton C.S.C. University of Notre Dame Press, 1994.
Quoted in:
- I Was Hungry: Cultivating Common Ground to End an American Crisis by Jeremy Everett, (2019)
- Quoted in The Creative Therapist by Bradford Keeney PhD, (2009) https://www.academia.edu/8061808/_Bradford_Keeney_The_Creative_Therapist_The_Art_Book_ZZ_org_
- One of 4 editors of the book, “Don't Call Me Out of My Name Spirituality for the 21st Century, A member of the Christian Left Speaks Out,” (2002) by Larry Boudreau. http://www.paperbackswap.com/Call-Out-Name-Larry-L-Boudreau/book/0595211607/
Academic Presentations:
- 2011 Community Leader Reflection Circles: Integrating Wisdom in Practice. Presented at the Annual Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference, Christian Brothers University, Memphis, TN (in partnership with the Gandhi-King Conference).
- 2013 Community Worker/Builder/Leader Reflection Circles in San Antonio, TX. Presented at the Annual Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education Conference. Amherst College, MA. For more info see: http://www.acmheconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/2013program.pdf
Community Based Presentations: too numerous to list.
None at the moment, was a licensed Master Social Worker from 2000-2019. 2014-15, member of the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society 2011-present, member of Academia (academia.edu)
Don enjoys traveling and the outdoors; house boating, camping, beer brewing, enjoying good scotch, fishing, hiking, animal watching and spending as much time as possible watching sunsets, hummingbirds, and spending time with friends and family, especially his new granddaughter. Don loves to dialogue with engaging people about the latest breakthroughs from the fields quantum physics, cosmology, anthropology, psychology, theology etc. that can inform and transform community based work and education.
Academic Scholarships: Incarnate Word U. and Our Lady of the Lake U. 1979, St. Mary's U. "Marianist Scholar,” 1979-83, St. Mary’s U. Campus Ministry Scholarship, 1979-80, Dean's List, St. Mary’s U. 1979-83, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention, 1983.
Graduate Fellowship, Trinity University, 1986-87, "Hispanic Scholar," The Fund for Theological Education, 1990-94, National Hispanic Scholarship, 1990-93. California Institute of Integral Studies, Transformative Studies Department Scholarship, 2008-2010, UCB RA National Scholarship recipient, 2009. Bauman Scholar, California Institute for Integral Studies, 2011-2013.
- Outstanding Young Men of America Award, 1986
- One of 29 Social Workers (in a field of 300+) chosen for the Casey Family Program's National Practice Replication Project, 1996
- Recipient: Casey Family Program's Graduate Funding program, 96-2000
- Nominee: Annie E. Casey Children and Family Fellowship, 2000.
- Hombre Noble Award, American Indians of Texas, 2006
- Bank of America “Local Hero” Award, 2011
None at the moment, was a licensed Master Social Worker from 2000-2019.
Volunteer Service:
- Various volunteer positions with the diocesan youth leadership/retreat teams, 1977-1981 Youth and Young Adult Retreat Leadership Teams, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Helotes, TX, St. Pius, San Antonio, and San Antonio Life Directions, 1982-85.
- Inner City Development Community Center, Volunteer, 1988-2004
- Member, Amnesty International, 1994-97
- Archdiocese of San Antonio, Peace and Justice Facilitator, 1991-93, Pastoral Leadership Council, 92-93, Catechetical Instructor, 1992-94
- Association of Mexican-American Social Workers, (AMAS), 1996-98, Conf. Coordinator (1998)
- Evaluation Committee, Project Better Future, 1998-99
- San Antonio Community Information System Committee 1998-2000
- Board Member, Edgewood Family Network, 2006-2011
- Member/Supporter, Christian Children’s Fund, 1995-2013
- Board Member, Neighborhood Resource Center, 2004-2012
- Board Member, San Antonio Time Dollar Community Connections, 2009-2015
- Member/Supporter, National Public Radio, PBS, 1991-present
- Member/Supporter Free Speech TV, 2005-present
Other courses/training seminars taught outside of UIW:
Numerous mini courses via Oblate School of Theology's Lay Ministry Institute, and the Instituto de Formacion Pastoral Currently teaching The Use of Social Science in Practical Theology in the Doctorate of Ministry Program
Community Development Training Seminars for and with a variety of community based organization:
- Program Development, Implementation and Evaluation
- Meeting Facilitation/Facilitative Leadership
- Conflict Resolution
- Basic Communication Skills
- Assertiveness Skills
- Basic Counseling Skills
- Proposal Based Decision-Making (reaching consensus)
- The Anatomy of Decision Making (7 basic types)
- Critical Thinking
- Community Leadership Development
- Transformational Leadership
- Servant Leadership
- Collaboration/Coalition Building
- Client Advocacy
- Participant-driven Research
- Various forms of Qualitative Research
- Praxis and Case-based Educational Strategies (Reflection Circles)
- Transdisciplinary Research
- Transformational/Emancipatory Education
- Organic Community Development
- Open Space Technology
- Wide variety of Practical Theology and Social Justice topics
- Spirituality from a non-sectarian and science based perspective
- Practical Theology
- Relationship of Theology and Science, especially in the fields of Conceptual Quantum Theory, Cosmology and Chaos Theory
- Christian Ethics
- Relationship of Contemplative practices and social activism.
- Origins of Christianity UIW
- Christian Ethics UIW
- Catholic Social Teaching UIW