Jose L Perea
Lecturer Department of Modern Languages Office Location: AD 358 Email: pereaher@uiwtx.eduMr. Perea is a native born from Puebla, Mexico who immigrated to the US upon completion of his B.A. in Modern Languages from the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. He has lived in Mexico, the US, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine. He also holds a master’s in education with emphasis on Spanish, ESL, and Bilingual Education and a masters in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) and Applied Linguistics, both from Portland State University, Oregon. His passion for Classical Education led him to pursue studies in ancient Roman history and archaeology along with Classical Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Mr. Perea has been in the field of education for nearly 15 years where he has taught subjects such as ESL (English and a Second Language), ELD (English Language Development), Social Studies in Spanish, English Language Arts, Spanish Language Arts, World History in Spanish, US History in Spanish, and US Government in Spanish at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Also, he has experience teaching adults at the community college level, but also has taught prospective teachers, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students at the university level. He has taught subjects such as ESL, Academic Writing and Reading, English for Communication, TOEFL preparation courses, Spanish as a Foreign Language, Language Assessment, Survey for Bilingual Education, and English for Medical Purposes for visiting doctors and nurses in the US. Additionally, Mr. Perea possesses about 12 years of experience in the creation of standardized assessments for ESL and Spanish as he has worked for different testing companies and has been an independent contractor as well.
His passions are learning new languages, learning about different cultures, conducting research in the field of linguistics, learning about archaeology, traveling to other countries, listening to good music, playing basketball and spending time with his family.
- M.Ed. (with honors), Portland State University
- M.A., TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)/Applied Linguistics, Portland State University
- B.A. in English Language Teaching (ESL and EFL), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
- Lecturer, University of the Incarnate Word (2019 - present )
- Lecturer, University of Texas at San Antonio (2019 - 2020)
- Fellow / Lecturer, US Department of State / V. O. Sukhomlynsky National University of Mykolaiv – Mykolaiv, Ukraine (2017 - 2019)
- Instructor, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) (2017)
- Instructor, Palo Alto Community College (2017)
- Lecturer, University of the Incarnate Word (2014 - 2017)
- Lecturer, University of Texas at San Antonio (2015 - 2016)
- Lecturer, University of Texas at San Antonio (2012 - 2014)
- Adjunct Lecturer, Texas A & M University (2011 - 2012)
- Instructor, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara / International Language Center (2009)
- Instructor, Palo Alto Community College (2009)
- Instructor, Northwest Vista College (2008)
- Instructor, Portland Community College (2005)
- Tutor, Portland Community College – Hillsboro, Oregon (2005)
- Instructor, Canby School District (2004)
- Volunteer Tutor, Clackamas Community College (2004)
- Teacher, Canby High School (2002 - 2004)
- Teacher, Keizer Elementary School (2002)
- Teacher, Beaumont Middle School (2001 - 2002)
- Teacher, Lincoln Elementary School (1999 - 2001)
- Teacher, Justo Sierra Elementary School (1998)
April 2020 – March 2020
Council for Aid to Education
Content Specialist
July 2017 – November 2017
EduTech Lab – SA, TX
Language Assessment Consultant, Item Writer for Business English Test Items
November 2016 – April 2017
Educational Testing Service – SA, TX
English & Spanish Language Arts Test Developer
April 2016 – November 2016
Rosetta Stone – SA, TX
Language Assessment Consultant, Item Writer for Spanish Test Items
April 2016 – June 2016
Pearson – San Antonio, Texas
Scoring Supervisor for the AZELLA 2016 Project - Grades 6-8 Writing and the META PR 2016 Project – Grades 3-5 Reading
February 2008 – November 2015
Pearson (Assessment and Instruction) – San Antonio, Texas
Content Specialist - ELL, Spanish
August 2006 - February 2008
Harcourt Assessment Inc. – Portland, Oregon - San Antonio, Texas
Assessment Specialist - ELL, ESL
January 2006 - July 2006
Oregon Department of Education – Salem, Oregon
ELPA (English Language Proficiency Assessment) Content Specialist
May 2005 – December 2005
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory – Portland, Oregon
English Language Proficiency Assessment Project Researcher
September 2004 – June 2005
Adult ESOL Lab School (PSU – Applied Linguistics Department), Portland, Oregon
Graduate Student Research Assistant
August 2004 – May 2005
Oregon Department of Education – Salem, Oregon
Language Testing Researcher & Test Developer (Assessment Department)
April 2004 – August 2004
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory – Portland, Oregon
ELP Test Project Intern
Feb. 1997 – Feb. 1998
Public Education Administration - Puebla, Mexico
Supervisor of “Cultural Approach Through Languages” Program
Solodka, A. & Perea, L. (2020, November). Cross-cultural Communication in English-Speaking Communities: Speech Acts of Complimenting. Text in Media Cultural Space Collective Monograph / O.S. Filatova, S.V. Huzenko, N.M. Filippova, T.N. Kostyrko, etc. Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2020. 136 p. https://doi.org/10.30525/978-9934-588-57-0/77-97
Perea, L., Solodka, A., & Romanchuk, N. (2020, June). Ukrainian Speakers’ Production of English
Compliments: A View into their Interlanguage. Summer 2020 TESOL-Ukraine Newsletter, No 2.
Solodka, A., Perea, L., & Romanchuk, N. (2019, December). Interlanguage Development of English Complimenting Speech Acts: Strategies of Performance. Arab World English Journal, 10 (4). 18- 32. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol10no4.2.
Perea, L. & Solodka, A. (2019, December). Interlanguage Compliments’ Speech Tactics. Proceedings for a paper presented at the International Conference on Multilingualism and Multicultural Education (ICMME19). University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, Germany.
Sharipova, N. & Perea, L. (2019, August). Malika Kalandarova: From Tajikistan to the USA & the World! TESOL-Ukraine Jubilee Newsletter. No. 2, Summer 2019. Pp. 39- 43. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Perea, L. (2019, August). Item Test Specifications: How to Create Recipes for Language Assessments and Tests. TESOL-Ukraine Jubilee Newsletter. No. 2, Summer 2019. Pp. 29-39. Kyiv, Ukraine.
Romanchuk, N. & Perea, L. (2019, May). Teaching Compliments in the Foreign Language Classroom. TESOL-Ukraine Newsletter. No. 2, Spring 2019. Pp. 17-21. Kharkov, Ukraine.
Perea, L., Romanchuck, N., Solodka, A., Oganesyan, Z., & Kushnirenko, S. (2019, April). The Interlanguage of English Compliments Among Ukrainian Speakers. Proceedings for The National TESOL Ukraine Conference. Kharkov, Ukraine. Pp. 143-161.
Perea, L. Demchuk, O., & Daskho, O. (2019, April). Creating Recipes (Specifications) to Produce ESL Assessments. Proceedings for The National TESOL Ukraine Conference. Kharkov, Ukraine.
Perea, L., Demchuk, O., & Nesterenko, O. (2019, March). Item Test Specifications: How to Create Recipes for Language Assessments & Tests. Proceedings for The META International Conference for English Teachers. Chisinau, Moldova.
Solodka, A. & Perea, L. (2018, December). The Speech Act of Complimenting as Part of the Ukrainian, Russian and English-Speaking Communities: Ukraine and the USA. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 9. Number 4. December 2018. Pp. 39-55. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol9no4.3
Perea, L. & Solodka, A. (2018, June). The Speech Act of Complimenting as Part of the Ukrainian, Russian and English-Speaking Communities: Ukraine and the USA. Proceedings for the International Scientific Conference: “Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects”. FIPLV (International Federation of Language Teacher Associations), Vilnius, Lithuania.
Perea, L. (2017, December). You are like steel wrapped in silk!: A Comparative Study of Conceptual Metaphor in Peninsular & Latin American Spanish Piropos and English Pick Up Lines. Pp. 122-165. Monography: Культурно-детерміновані фактори у практиці перекладу: монографія / за наук. ред. А. К. Солодкої. – Миколаїв: ФОП Швець В.М., 2017. – 232с.
Perea, L. & Aizikova, L. (2018, April). Literature Circles Method as a Tool for Formation of Students’ Communicative Mobility in Cross-cultural Interaction. Mykolaiv V.O. Shukhomlinsky National University. Young Scientist Journal. No. 4.4 (56.4), April, 2018.
Perea, L., Zolodskaya, A., Oganesyan, Z., Kushnirenko, S., & Romanchuck, N. (2018, March). У тебе добре серце!: A Comparative Study of Compliment Expressions Between Native Speakers of English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Paper published at Proceedings from the 2018 Scientific and Practical International Symposium at Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, in Moldova.
Perea, L., Zolodskaya, A., Oganesyan, Z., Kushnirenko, S., & Romanchuck, N. (2018, March). У тебе добре серце!: A Comparative Study of Compliment Expressions Between Native Speakers of English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Paper published at the 2018 TESOL Ukraine Conference Proceedings, Lviv, Ukraine.
Perea, L., Aizikova, L., Shtykh, S., & Gulyamova, K. (2018, March). Using Literature Circles to Enhance Group Discussions in the Classroom. Paper published at the 2018 TESOL Ukraine Conference Proceedings, Lviv, Ukraine.
Frantz, R., Perea, L., Starr, L. & Bailey, A. (2014). Measuring Academic Language Proficiency in School-Age English Language Proficiency Assessments Under New College and Career Readiness Standards in the U.S. Language Assessment Quarterly. Volume 11, Issue 4, 2014. Permanent Link: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15434303.2014.959123#.VGlQcTTF81I
Perea, L. (forthcoming). Putting Together the Puzzle: Applications to Reverse-Engineering Passage Language Test Specifications in Large Scale Assessments. (Paper in preparation to be submitted for publication at the MEXTESOL Journal).
Perea, L. (2012). Native American Indian Languages: A Little Piece of Our History. Grade 11th Informational Passage published and used in Standardized Pearson Assessments for Reading Language Arts, Project Core. Pearson Assessment & Information, San Antonio, TX.
Perea, L. (2012). Democracy from the Ancient World to America. Grade 4th & 5th Informational Passage published and used in Standardized Pearson Assessments for Reading Language Arts, Project Core [English Language Arts Florida Formative Assessment System]. Pearson Assessment & Information, San Antonio, TX.
Perea, L. (2012). The Vanishing Voices of Our World Languages & the Need for Linguistic Diversity. Grade 11th & 12th Informational Passage published and used in Standardized Pearson Assessments for Reading Language Arts, Project Core. Pearson Assessment & Information, San Antonio, TX.
Perea, L. (2012). World Englishes: A Language for Everyone with its Own Flavor. Grade 11th & 12th Informational Passage published and used in Standardized Pearson Assessments for Reading Language Arts, Project Core. Pearson Assessment & Information, San Antonio, TX.
Perea, L. (2012). The Colosseum: A Mixture of the Ancient and the Modern. Grade 11th & 12th Informational Passage published and used in Standardized Pearson Assessments for Reading Language Arts, Project Core. Pearson Assessment & Information, San Antonio, TX.
Perea, L. (forthcoming). Benefits & Applications to Reverse-Engineer Item & Passage Language Test Specifications in Large Scale Assessments. A White Paper from Pearson. Pearson Assessment & Information, San Antonio, TX.
Perea, L. (2011). Benefits of Teachers’ Feedback to Reverse-Engineering Item Language Test Specifications from an Existing Item Bank. Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education (TPFLE) Electronic Journal. Vol. 15, No. 1, Summer 2011.
Perea, L. (2010, February). Teacher Evaluation of Item Formats for an English Language Proficiency Assessment. Published MA Thesis. Department of Applied Linguistics, Portland State University. (ix, 231 p.). Portland, Oregon. Permanent Links:
Perea, L. (2008, October). Teacher Evaluation of Item Formats for an ESL Assessment. XXXV International MEXTESOL Convention Proceedings. Pp. 49-55. León, Guanajuato, México.
Perea, L. & Gardes, A. (2008, October). Corpus Linguistics Use in Developing Better Language Proficiency Assessments. XXXV International MEXTESOL Convention Proceedings. Pp. 44-48. León, Guanajuato, México.
Perea, L. (2006, October). From Test Items to Test Specifications. XXXIII International MEXTESOL Convention Proceedings. Pp. 58-65. León, Guanajuato, México.
Scott, G. & Perea, L. (2006, October). From Standards to Testing: Developing a Language Proficiency Assessment. XXXIII International MEXTESOL Convention Proceedings. Pp. 79-84. León, Guanajuato, México.
- TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education)
- MEXTESOL (Mexican Association of Teachers of English)
- ORTESOL (Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
- COFLT (Confederation in Oregon of Foreign Language Teaching)
- CABE (California Association of Bilingual Education)
- AAAL (American Association of Applied Linguistics)
- ANUPI (Asociación Nacional Universitaria de Profesores de Inglés)
- TESOL Ukraine (An International Affiliate of TESOL, Inc.)
- Traveling
- Playing basketball
- Reading
- Archaeology
- Learning new languages
- Learning about new cultures
- Working out at the gym
- English Language Fellow Program (2018-2019) – [10-month English fellowship to teach English and train teachers in Ukraine] – US Department of State, English Language Programs.
- English Language Fellow Program (2017-2018) – [10-month English fellowship to teach English and train teachers in Ukraine] – US Department of State, English Language Programs.
- Pearson Travel Fund (2013) – Pearson Travel Fund to attend the 47th International TESOL Convention, Dallas, Texas
- Pearson Travel Fund (2011) – Pearson Travel Fund to attend the 45th International TESOL Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Pearson Travel Fund (2010) – Pearson Travel Fund to attend the 44th International TESOL Convention, Boston, Massachusetts
- Spring 2006 Marie Brown Graduate Student Travel Award (2006) - Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
- ORTESOL James Nattinger Professional Growth Travel Grant (2005-2006) - ORTESOL Association, Portland, Oregon
- Academically-Controlled Auxiliary Activities Fund Award (2005-2006) - Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
- Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber (2004-2005) – Oregon Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
- President Office Scholarship (2004-2005) – Applied Linguistics Department, Portland State University
- James R. Nattinger Graduate Teaching Fellowship (2004-2005) – [1-year full time scholarship & research fellowship] Applied Linguistics Department, Portland State University
- Bilingual Teacher’s Pathway Program (2000-2003) – [3-year full time scholarship] Graduate School of Education, Portland State University
- Oregon Teaching for Diversity (2002-2003) – Graduate School of Education, Portland State University
- Oregon Initial Teaching License, M.S./H.S.
- Bilingual/ESL and Spanish Endorsements
- Cédula Profesional (Teaching License from Mexico)
- Texas Teaching License, M.S./H.S. (Spanish, Bilingual Education, ESL/ELL)
Relevant Projects and Professional Presentations
- Making ESL Exams More Human for Our Students. Paper and Training presented at the 2020 TESOL-Ukraine Online Teacher Development Series. Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Making Language Assessments More Empathetic. Paper and Training presented at the Philological and Pedagogical Studies in 21st Century National and International Science Virtual Conference. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
- Using Video Editing Techniques to Create a Scientific Documentary. TEDxED in Chernivtsi: Language Education in the Digital Age in Ukraine Conference, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
- Multilingualism in Ukraine. Keynote presentation delivered at the “Second International Scientific Conference” Innovations in Modern Education: Ukrainian and Global Context, Uman, Ukraine.
- The Importance of English and Multilingualism in the World. Keynote presentation for the Forum for Young Researchers “Young Researchers in the Global World, Vistas and Challenges” TESOL Ukraine. Kharkov, Ukraine.
- Multilingualism in Ukraine. Research paper presented at the Practical Strategies for New Generation English Teachers in Ukraine Seminar. V.O. Shukhomlinsky National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
- Multilingualism in Ukraine. Paper presented at the National TESOL Ukraine Conference. Kharkov, Ukraine.
- The Interlanguage of English Compliments Among Ukrainian Speakers. Paper presented at the National TESOL Ukraine Conference. Kharkov, Ukraine.
- Diglossia to Transglossia: Language Preferences in Ukraine. Paper presented at the International Conference on Multilingualism and Multicultural Education (ICMME19). University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, Germany.
- Why Multilingualism is Important in the USA and around the World. Keynote presentation delivered at the V Spring’s International Symposium at Alecu Russo State University. Bălți, Moldova.
- Multilingualism in Ukraine. Paper presented at the V International Spring Symposium – Professional Development in Language Contexts: Perceptions and Practices. Alecu Russo Bălți State University, Moldova.
- Multilingualism in Ukraine: Triglossia or Transglossia. Paper presented at the International Language Identity and Education in Multilingual Contexts (LIEMC19) Conference. University of York, York, England.
- ¡Allí sale el sol de mi día!: A Comparative Study of Conceptual Metaphor in Peninsular & Latin American Spanish Piropos and English Pick-Up Lines. Paper presented at the CROS 2019 Conference (International Congress: Crossing the Border Between Spanish and English: Current Issues, Future Perspectives, Linguistic and Literary Insights. Het Pand (Ghent, Belgium).
- Language Situation in the United States of America. Keynote invited speaker to report about the current linguistic distribution in the United States and the distribution of endangered languages across the globe. The Multilingual Education in Ukraine Seminar. Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
- Ukrainian Politeness in English: How Ukrainians Transfer Compliments into English. Paper presented at the Language Research and Teaching Methodology in Ukraine: A Scientific and Practical Methodology Seminar. Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
- The Speech Act of Complimenting as Part of the Ukrainian, Russian and English-Speaking Communities: Ukraine and the USA. International Scientific Conference “Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects”. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Interlanguage versus Nativeness: A Comparative Study of the Pragmatics of Compliments between Ukrainian and American Speakers. International Scientific Conference “Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects”. Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Using Literature Circles to Enhance Group Discussion in the Classroom. V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University of Mykolaiv English Language Teacher Training: Practical Strategies. Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
- Using Literature Circles to Enhance Group Discussions in the Classroom. IV International Spring Symposium Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Moldova March 16-17, 2018.
- The Pragmatics of Compliment Expressions Between Native Speakers of English, Russian, and Ukrainian. IV International Spring Symposium Alecu Russo State University of Bălţi, Moldova.
- Principles of Universal Design (UDR) in Language Assessments. ETRC ELT Conference. Chisinau, Moldova.
- Discussion and Brainstorming of Different Assessments. ETRC ELT Conference. Chisinau, Moldova.
- Designing Objectives, Lesson Plans, and Unit Plans for the ESL Classroom. CAMP LEAD Teacher Training sponsored by the US Embassy in Ukraine and the PEACECORPS. Zalishchyky, Ukraine.
- Language Assessment and Rubrics. Workshop presented at the 2018 TEFL ISJ Meeting, sponsored by the PEACECORPS and US Embassy in Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine.
- Using Literature Circles to Enhance Group Discussions in the Classroom. Workshop presented at the 2018 TESOL Ukraine Conference, Lviv, Ukraine.
- У тебе добре серце!: A Comparative Study of Compliment Expressions Between Native Speakers of English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Paper presented at the 2018 TESOL Ukraine Conference, Lviv, Ukraine.
- Traveling Experiences. Invited speaker for 1 hour at a Radio Broadcast from Puebla, Mexico: Grupo Digital Resonancia Informativa. Radio por Internet Puebla. Puebla, Mexico.
- Designing Formative Assessment Rubrics for ESL Students Taking English Language Arts Classes. Paper/Talk presented at the TEDxED in Chernivtsi: 21st Century Education in Ukraine Conference, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Permanent URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYygEN-Gcok
- Formative Assessment for English Language Learners in the English Language Arts Classes: Creation of Rubrics for Elementary, Middle, High School and University Level Students Learning English (Формуюче оцінювання учнів в процесі вивчення іноземної мови: розробка критеріїв для початкової, середньої, старшої та вищої школи). Paper presented at the International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference “Communicative Discourse in the Multicultural Community” (Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О.Сухомлинського. Міжнародна міждисциплінарна науково-практична конференція «Комунікативний дискурс у полікультурному просторі»), Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
- Creation of Rubrics for Formative and Summative Assessments for K-12 and University Level Students. Workshop presented at the 2015 TexTESOL Conference, San Antonio, TX.
- Lessons Learned and Creation of Rubrics for Formative Assessments for K-12 Level Students. Paper presented at the 16th UNAM-San Antonio ESL Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
- Basic Principles of Language Assessment Development. Invited speaker for a WebEx lecture for a class called: EDFL 574 Assessing the ESOL Student's Learning and Language Proficiency for Dr. Tatiana Cevallos. George Fox University, Portland, Oregon.
- Current Trends in the Assessment of English Language Learners: Designing and Operationalizing Formative Assessment ELA Tasks for English Language Learners. Public webinar presented at Pearson Assessment and Instruction’s ELL Webinar Series. San Antonio, Texas.
- Formative Assessment Tasks for ELLs and ELA Students: Some Practical Ideas. Paper presented at the 15th UNAM-San Antonio ESL Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
- Formative Assessment for ELL and ELA students: The Next Frontier to Address the CCSS. Paper presented at the Binational Research Colloquium on Educational Linguistics and Language Education in the 21st Century Conference.
UTSA (The University of Texas at San Antonio) and BUAP (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla), San Antonio, Texas. - Reverse-Engineering Passage Test Specifications in ELL Assessments: The Key for Good Passage Creation for Tests. Poster paper presented at the Binational Research Colloquium on Educational Linguistics and Language Education in the 21st Century Conference. UTSA (The University of Texas at San Antonio) and BUAP (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla), San Antonio, Texas.
- Benefits to Reverse-Engineering Passage Test Specifications in ELL Assessments. Paper presented at the 47th International TESOL Convention, Dallas, Texas.
- Formative Assessment Tasks for ELLs and English Language Arts students. Workshop presented at the 47th International TESOL Convention, Dallas, Texas.
- Current Trends in the Assessment of English Language Learners. Colloquium presented at the 47th International TESOL Convention, Dallas, Texas.
- Strategies for the Creation of Efficient Language Item Test Specifications. Workshop presented at the 14th UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) San Antonio ESL Conference. San Ant., TX.
- Benefits and Applications to Reverse-Engineering Passage Language Test Specifications in Large Scale Assessments. Workshop presented at the 14th UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) San Antonio ESL Conference. San Antonio, TX.
- Strategies for Effective Detailed Language Item Test Specifications. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Texas Foreign Language Education Conference TexFLEC and the South-Central Association for Language Learning Technology Conference SoCALLT 2011. University of Texas. Austin, TX.
- Automated Passage Selection for Reading Assessment: The Assessment Engineering Approach. Paper presented at the 2011 NCME (National Council on Measurement in Education) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- A Backwards Model to Test Specification Creation through Teacher Feedback. Paper presented at the 45th International TESOL Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Baking the Cake without a Recipe: How to Create Language Item Test Specifications from Representative Test Items and Teacher Input. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Texas Foreign Language Education Conference TexFLEC 2010. University of Texas. Austin, TX.
- Teacher Evaluation of Item Formats for an English Language Proficiency Assessment. MA Thesis presented at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Portland State University. Portland, Oregon.
- Teacher Input on a K-12 English Language Proficiency Assessment. Paper presented at the 44th International TESOL Convention, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Teachers’ Voices in the Development of Test Specifications. Paper presented at the 2009 TexTESOL II Fall Conference. University of San Antonio Division of Bicultural / Bilingual Studies. San Antonio, TX.
- Corpus Linguistics Use in Developing Better Language Proficiency Assessments. Paper presented at the XXXV MEXTESOL International Convention, Leon Guanajuato, México.
- Teacher Evaluation of Item Formats for an ESL Assessment. Paper presented at the XXXV MEXTESOL International Convention, Leon Guanajuato, México.
- From Test Items to Test Specifications. Paper presented at the 2006 ORTESOL Annual Conference "TESOL Without Borders", Oregon City, Oregon
- From Standards to Testing: Developing a Language Proficiency Assessment. Paper presented at the XXXIII MEXTESOL National and 2nd International Convention, Leon Guanajuato, México
- From Test Items to Test Specifications. Paper presented at the XXXIII MEXTESOL National and 2nd International Convention, Leon Guanajuato, México
- Components of Illocutionary and Grammatical Competence. Invited speaker for a language-testing lecture at a Portland State University graduate class (CI 563: Teacher as a Researcher) for Dr. Danelle Stevens, Portland, OR.
- Oregon English Language Proficiency Assessment. Invited speaker for a language-testing lecture regarding the ELPA instrument for Teaching Staff and Doctoral Students at the Graduate School of Education at Portland State University, Portland, OR.
- Reverse-Engineering in a Large-Scale Assessment. Paper presented at the 6th Graduate Student Forum at the 40th Annual International TESOL Convention, Tampa, FL.
- Selecting Standards for High Stakes Testing. Paper presented at the 40th International TESOL Convention, Tampa, FL.
- Looking Forward: Oregon's English Language Proficiency Assessments (ELPA). Update report presented for the Marion County K-12 School District Superintendents from Oregon at the Willamette ESD, Salem, OR.
- Looking Forward: Oregon's English Language Proficiency Assessments (ELPA). Paper presented at the 13th Annual Oregon Association for Comprehensive Education Winter Conference, Seaside, OR.
- Developing an English Language Learner Corpus for Oregon Public Schools in the Improvement and Validation of Testing, Standards, and Teaching Materials. Proposal prepared for the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, OR.
- Selecting Standards for Item Writing in a Large-Scale Assessment. Paper presented at the Graduate Conference for the Applied Linguistics Department at Portland State University, Portland, OR.
- History in the Selection of Standards for Item Writing in the Oregon English Language Proficiency Test. Research report prepared for the Oregon Department of Education Briefing Report on ELPA.
- Reverse Engineering and Item/Task-fit-to-Spec: A Key to Develop Item Language Test Specifications. Invited speaker for a language testing lecture at a Portland State University graduate course (CI 563: Teacher as a Researcher) for Dr. Xiaoqin Sun-Irminger, Portland, OR.
- ELP Test: Language Forms and Functions, Standards and Item Language Test Specifications. Invited speaker for a language testing lecture at a Portland State University graduate course (CI 574: Assessing and Instructing Learners with Literacy Difficulties) for Dr. Xiaoqin Sun-Irminger, Portland, OR.
- English Language Learners: Including All Students in the Oregon State Assessment. Paper presented at the ESD 4th Annual Language English Learners Conference, Salem, OR.
- English Language Proficiency Assessment Project. Project paper presented at the ESD 4th Annual Language English Learners Conference, Salem, OR.
- Avoiding Pragmatic Failure: Mexican Spanish and American English Compliments. Paper presented at the 2004 ORTESOL Fall Conference, Portland, OR.
- A Comparative Study Between Mexican Spanish and American English Compliments. Paper presented at the COFLT/WAFLT Fall Conference (Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching / Washington Association for Language Teaching), Portland, OR.
- Avoiding Pragmatic Failure: Mexican Spanish and American English Compliments. Paper presented at the XXXI MEXTESOL National Convention, Morelia, México.
- Analysis on Test Specifications and Frameworks from Mountain West Assessment Consortium, Council of Chief State School Officers, Oregon English Language Proficiency Test, and California English Language Development Test. Research report prepared for ODE to compare frameworks and specifications in the enhancement of the K-12 Oregon English Language Proficiency Test, Portland, OR.
- Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Report on Test Items. Research report prepared for the NWREL in the creation of a taxonomy of language testing item formats for the K-12 Oregon English Language Proficiency Test, Portland, OR.
- Reliability and Predictability of an ESL Assessment. Paper presented at the International TESOL Convention, Long Beach, CA.
- Adaptation to the Oregon English Language Arts Standards for Spanish. Canby School District. Canby, Oregon.
- What a Catch: A Comparative Study Between Mexican Spanish and American English Compliments. BA Thesis presented at the Department of Languages at BUAP (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla), Puebla, México.
Educational Documentaries
Perea, L., Solodka, A., Sultan-Muradivna, L., Zakharov, A. and Romanchuck, N. (2019, December). Ancient Olvia Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 1]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/lkEMLZvs_bE
Perea, L., Solodka, A., Sultan-Muradivna, L., Nazarenko, V. and Serbina, T. (2020, January). Berehove Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 2]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/RrQ7S9V_KQg
Perea, L., Solodka, A., and Sultan-Muradivna, L. and Demchuuk, O. (2020, January). Odessa, Languages in Ukraine Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 3]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/5UGyzeKdAIo
Perea, L., Solodka, A., Sultan-Muradivna, L., Nesterenko, O. and Dashko, O. (2020, February). Zaporizhia and the Cossacks Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 4]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/gvc1QaVjyhg
Perea, L., Solodka, A., and Sultan-Muradivna, L. (2020, February). Language in the Ukrainian Media Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 5]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/qdaL0fzYil4
Perea, L., Solodka, A., Sultan-Muradivna, L., Nazarenko, V., Serbina, T., Demchuuk, O., Samusieva, V., and Forsonova, T. (2020, July). Ukrainian Voices about Language Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 6]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/a0nFgg-Nr_o
Perea, L., Solodka, A., Sultan-Muradivna, L., and Kovalenko, O. (2020, July). Poetry, Books and Taras Shevchenko Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 7]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/JrYV_WDKdXM
Perea, L., Solodka, A., and Sultan-Muradivna, L. (2020, July). Translation in Ukraine Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 8]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/3-Mkf3OOxA4
Perea, L., Solodka, A., and Sultan-Muradivna, L. (2020, August). Holodomor Documentary [Linguistic Diversity and Culture in Ukraine: Past and Current Trends, # 9]. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/5raZeA2zK_4
Online Lectures / Trainings
Perea, L. (2020, June). Making Language Assessments More Human. Online Channel: Linguae et Cultūrae. Permanent URL: https://youtu.be/XUlS5jZYWa4
Perea, L. (2017, October). Designing Formative Assessment Rubrics for ESL Students Taking English Language Arts Classes. Paper/Talk presented at the TEDxED in Chernivtsi: 21st Century Education in Ukraine Conference, Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Permanent URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYygEN-Gcok
- Language Assessment
- Intercultural Pragmatics
- Pragmatics
- Academic Language
- Language Test Specifications Reverse-Engineering (language assessment)
- Speech Acts
- Elementary Spanish I
- Elementary Spanish II