With over twenty years of experience serving in leadership roles in pastoral, educational and community ministry, Dr. DeLeon has over ten years of experience teaching classes in religion, ethics, spirituality, scripture and the humanities including philosophy, sociology, and psychology in both on-ground and online classes at regionally accredited colleges offering Associate, Baccalaureate, Masters and Doctoral degrees; progressively higher levels of responsibility in a complex academic environment. A Certified Expert in use of Distance Learning Management Systems such as Canvas and Blackboard, he has developed and taught online courses for traditional and non-traditional learners; including students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and at-risk learners. Dr. DeLeon is also a published playwright and television scriptwriter and his latest work, "The Judgment", a dialog between the Body and the Soul at time of death, was selected for presentation at Research Week 2020 at UIW. Dr. DeLeon is also an ordained Catholic Deacon.
PhD, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. Major Areas of Study: Systematics (Philosophy of Theology)
Cognate Areas: Sociology and Anthropology of Religion, History of Christian Thought, Latino/a Theology
MA, University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas. Major: Religious Studies
Cognate Areas: Christian Spirituality, Practical Theology
BA, St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas. Major: English Literature
Cognate Areas: Psychology, Pre-Medicine
- University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas - 2014 - Present
- Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, Texas: Summer 2019
- Saint Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas - 2016 - Present
- Central Penn College, Summerdale, Pennsylvania - 2009 - 2014
Catholic Charities Psychotherapy Out-Patient Clinic, Lebanon, PA 2005 – 2007
Program Director
International Research Associates, San Antonio, Texas 1995 - 1999
CEO & General Manager
Avenida Guadalupe Association, San Antonio, Texas 1991 – 1994.
Coordinator, Community Development Programs,
"The Judgment” a play on the dialog between the Body and the Soul at time of death, was selected for presentation at Research Week 2020 at UIW, and will be included in a book of proceedings, published annually for Research Week.
Spiritual Advisors Manual (Revised), Gen. Editor, et al. Jarrell, Texas: National Secretariat of the Cursillo Movement of the United States, 2012.
“Telenovelas, Tonatzin, and Transcendence: Social Drama as Theological Ritual for Contemporary Latino/as.” in Creating Ourselves: African American and Latino/a Theology, Religious Imagination, and Popular Culture, co-edited by Dr. Benjamin Valentin, and Dr. Anthony Pinn, Duke University Press, 2009.
“The Passion of Christ Pageant at the San Fernando Cathedral: A Theo-Catharsis of Love,” presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX, 2004
“Discipleship, Holiness, and the Cross,” keynote address presented at the 16th Annual Cursillo National Encounter at Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA on July 21, 2006.
“Feed My Sheep: A Contemporary Reflection on John 21:17,” presented at the General Assembly of the 15th National Cursillo Conference, St. Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas on July 28 – July 31, 2005.
“The Quotidian Nature of Sincerity," presented at the 13th National Cursillo Conference, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, 2003.
- American Academy of Religion
- Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians in the United States
- Playwriting
- Sailing
- Carpentry
- Auto Repair
- Pew Charitable Trusts Grant, 2010 Seminar in Christian Scholarship at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, MI, June 28 – July 16, 2010.
- Notre Dame's Institute for Latino Studies Summer Fellowship, 2004
- Fellow, Hispanic Theological Initiative Doctoral Mentorship Program, 2003
- Fellow, Fund for Theological Education, North American Doctoral Fellows Program, 2003
- Fellow, Hispanic Theological Initiative Doctoral Studies Program, 2002
- Notre Dame's Institute for Latino Studies Summer Fellowship, 2001
- Fellow, Hispanic Theological Initiative Doctoral Studies Program, 2001
Pastoral Experience
Catholic Deacon
Ordained in 1997 in the Archdiocese of San Antonio where I served 11 years. I have also served in diocese of Oakland California (5 years) and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (8 years).
Executive-level administrator, excellent public presenter of religious materials and frequent Spiritual Director at retreats and conferences held nationwide. Experienced homilist, retreat leader and expository preacher, experienced program administrator and project manager, officiate at marriages, baptisms, funerals and special liturgical functions.
Professional Catechist; teach all levels of classes in Religion, Morality, Faith, History of Christianity, Scripture and Liturgy.
National Cursillo Movement
Cursillos in Christianity is an international movement that enables the essential realities of the Christian to come to life in the uniqueness, originality, and creativity of each person. General Editor of the Spiritual Advisors Manual used at weekend retreats throughout the United States.
Presenter at National Conferences, Cursillo and Cursillo De Cursillos at dioceses throughout the United States in English and Spanish for the past 10 years; National Coordinator of Liturgical Events; Spiritual Director at numerous English and Spanish language Cursillo Weekends for men and women.
Strong communication skills, exceptionally high energy level, strong presentation skills (English & Spanish), cohesive team building
Adept at program development, strategic planning, budget writing and financial management; former Program Director for Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic for Catholic Charities
Expertise in building community, state and national level partnerships for educational and religious projects and community service
Theological Aesthetics, The Church in the 21st Century, Social Media and Evangelization, the Irenic Resolution of the Dialectical Relationship between Faith and Technology (Fides et Ratio)/Critical Thinking
- World Religions
- Origins of Christianity
- Spirituality & Prayer
- Ethics and Morality
- Introduction to Theology & Ethics
- The Religious Quest