Gabriel T. Saxton-Ruiz
Professor Department of Modern Languages Office Location: Administration Building 259 Phone: (210) 805-2541 Email: saxtonru@uiwtx.eduDr. Gabriel T. Saxton-Ruiz is Professor of Spanish (Latin American Literature & Culture) at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas. Before coming to UIW, he was an Associate Professor of Spanish & Latin American Studies and Vice Chair of Humanistic Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. He received his BA in Spanish and French from Virginia Tech, and his MA and PhD in Modern Foreign Languages from the University of Tennessee. His research interests include twentieth and twenty-first century Latin American literature, popular culture studies and representations of violence in various types of cultural productions. He has published Forasteros en tierra extraña (2012), a study on contemporary Peruvian literature and political violence, and co-edited the monograph La narrativa de Jorge Eduardo Benavides: Textos críticos (2018). His scholarly articles and translations have appeared in diverse publications in the UK, USA, Cuba, and Peru including Words Without Borders, Revista Hiedra, Palabras Errantes and Revista Conjunto-Casa de las Américas.
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Doctor of Philosophy in Modern Foreign Languages (major concentration in Spanish)
Dissertation: “Ambigüedades éticas y estéticas: La narrativa peruana contemporánea y la violencia política” (“Ethical and Aesthetical Ambiguities: Contemporary Peruvian Narrative and Political Violence”)
Areas of Specialization: 20th and 21st Century Latin American Literature
Second Concentration: Applied Linguistics; Third Concentration: French Studies
University of the Incarnate Word
- Professor of Spanish (Latin American Literature & Culture), 2020 to present
- Associate Professor of Spanish (Latin American Literature & Culture), 2016 to 2020
University of Wisconsin – Green Bay
- Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, 2014 – 2016
- Vice Chair of Humanistic Studies, 2014 – 2016
- Assistant Professor of Spanish and Humanistic Studies, 2009 – 2014
American University, Washington, DC
Marketing Specialist, Washington Semester and World Capitals Programs, 2002
US Airways, Arlington, VA
Senior Analyst, International Sales – Leisure Sales Division, 2000 – 2001
Foreign Policy Group, Washington, DC
International Programs Assistant, 1998 – 2000
U.S. Embassy Antananarivo, Madagascar
Political Office Assistant, Summer 1996, 1997, 1998
U.S. Embassy Madrid, Spain
Visa Clerk, Summer 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
- “La diáspora en la literatura peruana del siglo XXI.” 41º Feria del Libro Ricardo Palma, Lima Peru. December 2020.
- “Un ramillete de poesía: Poetry Reading for Sor Juana.” Bilingual Poetry Reading. Esperanza Peace & Justice Center, San Antonio. November, 2020.
- “The Final Judgment.” Spanish-English translation of Oswaldo Estrada’s story “El juicio final.” Stories from Peru, May 2020.
- La narrativa de Jorge Eduardo Benavides. Textos críticos. Lima: Editorial Universitaria Ricardo
Palma, 2018. (Co-edited with César Ferreira.) - “Distopía viral: La Lima posapocalíptica en El limpiador de Adrián Saba.” VI Seminario internacional de Narrativas. Periferias de la Distopía: a setenta años de 1984, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia. November 2018.
- “Híbrida cíclica: La poesía bicultural de Álex Lima.” XII Jornadas Internacionales de Poesía Latinoamericana, Puebla, Mexico. June 2017.
- “The Man in the Mirror.” Spanish-English translation of Alexis Iparraguirre’s “El hombre en el espejo.” Palabras Errantes, November 2016.
- “Autofricción: El ‘yo’ en la nueva narrativa peruana.” Latin American Studies Association (LASA), New York, NY. May 2016.
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- American Literary Translators Association (ALTA)
- International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA)
I enjoy reading, collecting vinyl, traveling all over the world, pretending to be a chef, playing and watching soccer (San Lorenzo!!) and hanging out with my wife, two sons, and French bulldog.
- Wisconsin Humanities Council major grant for project titled “The Culture of Fusion.” Spring 2016.
- National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association grant for project titled “Making of the New Latino in the Midwest: 500 Years of History.” Academic Year 2015 – 2016.
- The National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. November 2014.
- Beta Nu circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (The National Leadership Honor Society), University of Tennessee. October 2009.
- Member of UIW Service Learning Community
- Director of Learning Communities and First-Year Experience, Fall 2020 – present
- Member of Search and Screen Committee for English faculty position, Fall 2019-Spring 2020
- Member of Search and Screen Committee for Religious Studies faculty position, Summer-Fall 2019
- Chair of UIW Bernadette O’Connor Lecture Series, Spring 2019 – Fall 2020
- UIW Orientation Advisor, Summer 2019
- Member of UIW Carnegie Classification Committee, 2018-2019
- Member of UIW Gardening Committee, 2017 – present
- Member of UIW Sustainability Advisory Board at UIW, 2017 – present
- Faculty liaison for Día de los muertos altar, 2017 – present
- Interpreter for Elder Summit hosted by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and co-sponsored by the San Antonio Area Foundation and SA2020, November 2016.
- UIW Evaluator of linguistic proficiency for International Business BA and MBA, Fall 2016 – present
- Elementary Spanish I & II
- Intermediate Spanish I: Oral Communication
- Intermediate Spanish II: Writing
- Spanish-American Literature to Modernism
- Spanish-American Literature since Modernism
- Culture & Civilization of Latin America
- Literature of U.S. Hispanics
- Advanced Grammar